
Christine had many thoughts that crossed her mind, she bit her lip. She didn't know which thought she should give attention too first?

She still had her stalker, who she was busy ignoring because her phone was switched off, or more likely her bag was still at her new job in Michael's office with her work phone.

Lucian who she had asked for a thank-you dinner at El Diablo, which she enjoyed even though he infuriates her a lot. A smile tugged at her lips, she still liked him a lot and now she wouldn't be able to check if he had sent her anything.

Then there was Uriel, her heart skipped a beat and her throat seized up. He had a beautiful soul and she felt more of a tugging towards him. He was caring and gentle- she wondered if he was good in bed... 

She bit her lip, she was already undressing him again in her mind's eye. Would he be worried about her if she didn't return to her apartment?