
What Uriel said struck a nerve, he was so occupied with the thoughts of war and how he should make Christine fall in love with him that everything else was just a sidetrack.

Uriel was the only one who is occupied with one thought only; Gadrial. He licked his lips, "What gave you that idea?"

Uriel was looking at his hand where the shards had stuck into it. "Think about it, since when were there so many abnormalities that came into play?"

"You have a point." Lucian took another glass from the cabinet and poured more brandy in the glasses. "Why had he never experiment before and only now?"

Uriel didn't answer his thoughts were running away from him. 'Gadrial your surge is coming who are you going to choose?' He blinked Lucian stood before him with another glass of brandy that he held out to him. "I do not know."