
He took one last look at Rachel before closing the trunk with a loud thud. He walked to the driver's side and opened the door. He climbed and he buckled himself before closing the door.

His body was trembling with excitement, he had succeeded in kidnapping Rachel from the hospital.

His plan was falling into place and it gave him a thrill. Ten years of him bidding his time, the jail had taught him the virtues of patients and planning to make sure that there wasn't anything that stood in his way.

He had killed to get where he was now but that was a new kind of thrill. He gripped the steering wheel tightly that his knuckles turned white. "Oh, Rachel my love... You are in for one hell of a surprise." 

He leaned back in the car seat and his knuckles relaxed, he felt the energy in his body drain slowly. The adrenaline that his body produced was wearing off, he placed the key in the ignition and started the car.