
Did she hear it correctly? The voice told her to surrender her soul? But how was she going to do that? Did it mean that she would die? She wasn't ready for that if it would be the case, that she might not wake up. 'Why?'

"Do you want to be saved or not?"

She blinked as she felt Markus's fingers dragging across her legs with her undergarments. She wanted to be saved but- 'What would happen?'

She wanted to be sure of some facts before blindly giving in.

"You were screaming for me but yet you demand answers?"

'Yes, Gadrial... I want to know what would happen?'

She felt her undergarments slip from her feet, Markus tossed it to the side. "Are you ready Rachel?" 

Christine didn't answer him, she was to busy listening for Gadrial's answer. His fingers trailed back up towards her sex, she tried to wiggle her legs. His touched felt slimy...