
What did they think she was dumb? Of course, they would be here for the body, why else would the police come to one's door? Okay, there might be a lot of possibilities... "He-he is in my bedroom."

She turned her gaze away from the door and she heard another door close in the hall, she peeked outside the door. The only one who would have been curious enough would be Uriel.

Her anger flared once more, Gadrial was right, she was accusing the wrong person of her fate. She was still feeling... She wasn't sure what she was feeling, only that this was highly unfair. She closed her apartment door, with a slow thud and turned her attention back to the police.

Two of them were staring at her, she must look like shit for them not to say anything to her, the man with the body bag was already in her room. " Do you mind if we ask you a few questions, Miss?"

She nodded at them keeping her expression solemn, "Ye-yes, I think I would be able to answer your questions."