
She had closed her eyes as Uriel had instructed her, she felt happy that she pushed him to open the memory.

She was curious about what Gadrial had said that it would be one of her happiest and she couldn't even remember the last time she was happy.

Uriel's words had soother breathing into rhythmically breathing, her mind had shit down but his words had echoed. Her memory will unlock, she was once again standing on the beach in her mind's eye.

She looked up at the sky, the memories were still swirling and the thunder was roaring.

"I have noticed that you convinced, Uriel."

Christine turned around, Gadrial was standing with her arms crossed staring at the clouded memory. "How did you-"

Gadrial let out a chuckle, "The clouds around your memory," She pointed at the cloud, "The colour is changing."