
Gadrial watched Christine closely, "Choose your weapon."

Christine stared at Gadrial, so they were going to do this but she didn't know how to fight with any weapon. Six weapons appeared before her, a sword, a spear, a broadsword, a switchblade and dual katanas. She had to choose one, she didn't know any of these weapons and how would she know which on to pick? "How long do I have to choose?"

Gadrial lifted her right hand to the air and ut disappeared for a few seconds and when it reappeared a sword hilt appeared in her hand, it was silver with a red glow, "I will give you time as you feel each weapon." 

Christine watched as she pulled out her hand and the blade of the sword appeared, it was a shiny silver with a red flame that danced around the tip and twirling around the blade. She gulped, "Oh... Thank you."