Limbo on the way to hell

Gadrial let out a small groan, "What happen-"

When she opened her eyes she looked up at Christine's worried face, "Gadrial? Are you okay?"

Gadrial tried to sit up but her back ached, that was one hell of a blast from the door that was supposed to let her leave and go back to the earth realm.

So that she could wake up and be born anew for the last time in her cycle. The war was approaching them and they will need to fight for heaven and hell one last time and be free from this.

"What happened?" Gadrial asked groggily, "Why am I still here?"

Christine helped Gadrial to sit upright, her six wings were drooping and she bent her neck to get the crease out. 

"I am unsure as to what happened," Christine said her voice full of worry, "All we saw was you touching the door and then-"

Gadrial turned her head and looked at Christine, this was unheard of something should have gone wrong with the battle.