Entrance of Hell

Nakir looked at her expression, she had brought him back from his thoughts to where he had become her keeper and if only she knew what sacrifices he had taken for her.

"I was banished to hell, Gabby." Nakir said with a small smile, "What do you think happened to my wings?"

Gadrial slowly reached out to touch his wings, they didn't feel like feathers even though they looked like feathers, "Hell has changed you or wings?" she asked still trailing her fingers across his wings slowly.

Nakir shivered at her touch, his wings hadn't forgotten. They hadn't forgotten her touch, he enjoyed her touch but would never tell her that. She had to help him heal once when he was at the end of the Creators wrath.

"Hell has changed all of me," his breath was ragged and if she continued touching his wings like that he wouldn't be able to control himself.

Gadrial stopped touching his wings, "How did it change you?" she asked with her voice filled with curiosity.