Palace of hell

Nakir knew that Gadrial was not happy to be here, who would be happy to be in hell? She took a step away from him and he felt the heat left behind from her back.

"Gabby," He softly said her name again, "I promise-"

Gadrial turned to face him, "I can not accept promises, Nakir."

Why wouldn't she say his name like she always did? That beautiful lips that would leave out the 'K' in his name.

"I know and that is all I can offer you," Nakir reached for her arm but she evaded his touch, 'Why doesn't she want me to touch her?'

"Where is my cage?" She asked in a monotone and looked around hell once more. "Am I going to be like these other mindless souls?"

She wasn't going to listen to his reason, he had a plan to where he would have wanted the soul who emitted such more power to go but ever since he saw it was Gadrial...

He let that plan fly out of the back of his mind, hell was losing power and he needed a new energy source to power his land.