Palace of Hell

He glared after Nia who was swinging her hips at him, he let out a low snarl. 'She was taking this too far.' After he had given in a few years ago and they had been having sex regularly, Nia thought she owned hell.

She even thought that she owned him, the joke was on her. No one owned Nakir, he was only doing things to benefit his hell after taking it from the previous king- Lucian's father, Lucifer.

Nakir turned fo face Gadrial who was watching him curiously, her pale blue eyes were looking through his soul and not that he had one anymore.

Nakir held out his hand fo Gadrial, "Gabby... Let us be free." That is what he wanted to say to her but instead, he had said, "Gabby, let me take you on tour."

Gadrial didn't reach for his hand, "A tour? You want to take me on a tour?"

"Yes," Nakir nodded and flicked his fingers upwards, "I have something to show you."

She still didn't reach for his hand, "How did you become the king of hell?"