Palace of Hell

Gadrial smiled as she free fell from the window, there was a hot wind that had greeted her wings.

She spread her six wings and they steadied her in the air, 'I might as well enjoy my stay here then.'

Nakir was angry when he had stormed from Gadrial's room, "She demands! Ha! Coming into my kingdom and demands!"

He opened his study door which was on the other side of the palace and had a secret door to the throne room which he rarely used.

He walked to the table, "I am such a fucking fool!" He threw the table and it broke into little pieces, "What the fuck is wrong with me?"

No one answered his questions, he began heaving, "Am I so blind to have seen her again that... That I will lay at her feet?!"

His hand went up to his chest where a heart should have been beating was empty. "Why am I feeling like a complete fool around her?"