Earth Plane

Uriel couldn't believe that Gabriel and Lucian were laughing at him. He was the Angel of death and soon as he understood the powers that he had he would be able to open the gateway between hell and earth.

"I don't understand why you are laughing, especially you Gabriel."

Gabriel blinked at him, "It is just how could you have changed from the voice to the Angel of death?"

Lucian chimed in, "There hasn't been an Angel of death in many years."

Uriel glared at them both, "I am telling you that is what I am! I had an incident after choosing my side at the cemetery."

Lucian rolled his eyes at him, "So you are saying this is my fault?"

"I am not saying that!" Uriel said out of frustration, "I was always neutral to the war of the angels but you convinced me to pick sides and-"

"And what?" Gabriel asked through clenched teeth, he was clearly still in so much pain.