Palace of hell

Nakir sat in a chair not far from the bed and his gaze was fixed on Gadrial. Her brow was furrowing and the sweat was dripping from her forehead but he did not stand up.

The covers that were folded tightly around her was there to break her fever but he could see that she was in anguish.

Gadrial was once again in front of the rose garden in her mind, she was on her knees in front of the rose bush that held the one white rose of a memory that she had viewed.

She hadn't reached out for another one yet as she was contemplating on what is wrong with her body.

She could feel that her body was tossing, "What is wrong with me?" She spoke out loud to the garden but no one answered her.

She sucked in a small sigh and stared at the rose bush, her hand slowly reached for another rose.

She picked it and another memory started to play before her eyes.