Realm of Hell

Nakir took a step back from the door he had sealed. The sex dungeon... 

The dungeon that did not give him pleasant memories, the things Lucifer did to his prisoners... Especially those he fancied was another nightmare he would rather forget.

He licked his lips, Lucifer had some weird fetishes. He loved to pray on the submissive and tried to break those who were dominant like himself...

Nakir shook his head, "I should forget that this room exists."

"Why should you, my lord?" Nia's voice came from around the corner.

"Nia," Nakir let out a long sigh, "Didn't I see enough of you already?"

Nia stepped into the light and she rubbed her belly, "Do not speak like that in front of the baby, Nakir."

Nakir had to bite back his retort, he was tired of this cat and mouse game that she was playing with him out of mere jealousy.

"Speak how?" Nakir asked amused, "You forget who I am, Nia."