Palace of Hell: Gadrial's room

*"What do you mean?" she asked Gabriel and pushed him from her face.

"Just as I have said," Gabriel replied and straightened his jacket.

"You must have a reason for telling me these things," Gadrial said and climbed out of bed.

"I just thought I should warn you, the walls have ears," Gabriel replied dryly and left her room without giving her a chance to answer.

Gadrial thought for a moment, what did Gabriel mean by the walls have ears?

A knock came at her door, she looked up and found Nakir standing there, "Good Morning Sunshine."

"Good Morning, Nakir," Gadrial replied in a sombre tone.

She saw Nakir's eyebrows shot up, she had never spoken his name like that and it was weird that she would say is name fully like that.

She didn't give Nakir time to answer so she said, "The walls are listening."