Realm of Hell: The Palace

Nakir stood in the garden and looked at the right side where Gadrial had her battle with the demonic rose bushes.

"You are powerful Gabby," Nakir whispered to the garden.

He saw some of the rose bushes were moving and one of them which weren't much higher than a toddler.

"You brought her here," it whispered and blinked its rose petal eyes.

Nakir knelt and stared straight into those petal eyes, "I have not brought her here."

"You lie, King of hell," it hissed at him, "We were your garden which you took care of by bringing bodies."

Yes, he did that. He had brought demonic enemies here so that the garden could grow.

"I have brought you demons to feed on that you could thrive," Nakir replied in a solemn tone.

"Thrive? You think we were thriving?" It hissed angrily, "We have lived on the scraps you have brought us, but it did not sustain us!"