Realm of Hell

Gadrial rolled onto her right side, she let out a soft sigh. She and Lucian should never have had to take it as far as they had. They had laughed about their beliefs and they had talked about many things but in love? 

She blinked once, 'Please in the name of the Creator, can I have my memories back now?' 

She thought in a silent prayer, she was tired of this struggle, she just wanted them back so that she knew who she could trust and do her own thing again.

She wanted her emotions, she wanted to feel again. Not that she wasn't feeling but… there was a difference about feeling and feeling, one emotion was feeling without registering and the other was feeling with every fibre in your being.

And she wanted to feel again, she wanted her emotions back so that she could give all of herself to Uriel. The beautiful as well as the dark, the happy and the sadist.

"I want all my memories back!" she screamed, she did not care if she woke the entire palace.