Palace of Hell: The labyrinth

Gadrial turned to face Thoth once more, her face contorted in confusion, 'My Thoth?' She thought, what could he mean that he was her Thoth? She couldn't argue that his name did sound familiar to her but how was she supposed to remember.

"Come again," she asked slowly, and took a step towards him.

"I have said I am sorry that you can not remember your Thoth," Thoth replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

"You said you are a friend but now you are saying that I just do not remember you?" Gadrial asked in confusion.

"I am your friend," Thoth replied with a soft smile, "If I can give you your memories… Would you take the opportunity?"

Gadrial blinked, she could hear some truth in his words but there was something hidden behind them, she couldn't place her finger on but how would he get her memories for her?