Realm of Earth: Lucian

They have done it, they have rescued Lillith from her captor who had tortured her. But the thing that bothered Lycian was the fact that it had been to easy.

It was too easy to have taken Lillith from the room, he took a quick glance at Lillith in his arms.

Her head was resting against his chest, her eyes were closed and she was breathing deeply. He could feel his heart expand with so much love for this demon queen in his arms.

She had taught him many things, how to love with every fibre of his body and his emotions. All of this he could not have given Gadrial even if he had wanted too. 

When he thought back to when he had first met Gadrial he had thought she had been everything that he had wanted but it would seem it was not the case.

He remembered how they had talked about everything that was wrong in the Kingdom of heaven, he remembered the first kiss which did not spark to anything except for a deep friendship.