Realm of Earth: Gabriel's Apartment

There was one secret that Uriel was keeping from them. He had not told them about the contract that he had made with Thoth. Thoth was their ticket into Hell and he was the own ticket to keep Adam at bay.

Strangely enough, Adam had not even hissed in his ear anymore. Was he finally becoming weaker? Was he finally going to leave his body that he would be able to become one with his own soul?

Uriel had decided that it was time to all on Thoth, he had found Lucian as he had promised but now the time of planning was drawing near. How was he going to get Adam out of his mind? Did he have to die?

Some questions are better left unanswered, he should not dwell too much on them so in the midst of cheering he had decided that it was time to call on Thoth.

'Thoth! Thoth! I need you now!' Uriel screamed in his mind, he was unsure how this was supposed to work.

'Uriel, I am tied up at the moment. Can this wait for another hour or two?'