Realm of Hell

Her eyes were teary, her fingertips slowly touched her canines. "What…"

There were no words that could describe as to what she was feeling in this very moment. It was as if a completely other beast was watching her.

"What am I?" She asked out loud in a low whisper, "What happened to me?"

Her eyes closed as another hot pain flashed through her mind, the memories were coming more frequent. She gritted her teeth, her body was getting itself ready to go in to a foetus position it was the only thing that would help her to cope with the pain in her head.

Nakir had walked to the labyrinth, he was standing before the archway, and he could feel the mist tickling his skin. He was not ready to enter the darkness that had once housed him. Most of the prisoners had gone mad inside the walls.

'I can do this,' He thought as he lifted his foot over the threshold but a sudden shiver had gone down his spine and he retracted his foot.