Realm of Hell

'Gadrial, I have come for you.' A voice answered her question and she spun around and stared at the window. Did Uriel just answered her?

"Uriel?" She asked his name out loud this time there was no reply that had come. She walked to the window and she reached out, she wanted to touch the glass but there were none. She had forgotten that in the palace of Hell there was no windows or doors, except for the rooms, of course.

She bit her lip, 'Do not answer to voices in Hell,' Thoth's words played in the back of her mind. There were people who wanted her dead but she would give them a pleasant surprise.

She climbed on to the window sill but before she could step out-

'Are you not going to play our little game?' The creepy voice asked in her mind.

'I am going to play by my rules,' she thought back sarcastically.

'Oh? But we are playing a game and you should guess who I am,' it replied in a sweet voice.