Realm of Hell: Gadrial and Nakir

If Nakir did not back down she would kill him. She would make sure that he would not be able to walk out of this battle alive.

"You do not want to fight me, Na'ir," She said through gritted teeth.

"I never wanted to fight you, Gabby. You are giving me no choice!" Nakir screamed and he launched at her but she blocked his hit with her baldes.

"You always have choices! You are not thinking clearly because you have no fucking heart!" She screamed and pushed him backwards, her wings opened wider and they lifted upward.

"No, heart? Did you forget what I did with this heart of mine?" Nakir spat, "I gave it to my fucking brother so that he could live for you! I have given everything to see you happy and now you tell me you do not harbour any feelings?"

She did not care what he did, that had been his own decision and it had nothing to do with her. How could he hold her accountable for things she had not asked him to do for her?

"I never asked you-"