Realm of Hell

"Thoth? What are you doing here?" Gadrial asked before opening the door.

"I have come to see how you are doing," Thoth replied innocently.

Gadrial bit her lip when she took in Thoth's form, he seemed tired and somehow out of breath.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," She said in a monotone.

"That I have," Thoth said and looked past her, "May I come in?"

"I guess," Gadrial said and stood back so that Thoth could pass.

"Thank you," He replied and stepped inside. The room was still as he had left it a few moments ago but she did not need to know that.

Gadrial closed the door behind him and she leaned against it while folding her arms. 

Thoth gazed at her face to see if there was any hidden emotion but to his surprise her face was blank.

"You have questions?" He asked and sat down on her bed.

"I have a million of them but I think that a thank you is in order," She replied with a small shrug of her shoulders.