Realm of Hell: Thoth's memories

*"You are right," The Creator replied, "I am going to make an example out of you."

Thoth did not move he did not let his emotion show on his face. Luckily, he had told his people to get out of this kingdom as quickly as they could so that when he spoke to the Creator that they would not fall in the same trap.

"I have figured as such," Thoth replied and shrugged his shoulders lightly.

"You have, have you?" The Creator smirked, "I never thought of you as a smart man."

Thoth quirked an eyebrow, he was one of those who held himself dumb so that people did not think he was smart. He loved to observe than to speak. He had fooled this being and now that he had told him about…

"What are you planning for me?" He asked lightly.