Realm of Hell

Lillith had it with Gadrial, she had been courteous to have helped her but she had it after Gadrial had calmed down.

She had tried her best to stay out of her way when Gadrial had brushed her hair and then dressed herself.

After she had tried to dress her, Gadrial had thrown a brush at her, "Get out!"

So she fled her bedroom, she stomped down the hall. She was going to tell Thoth that she was not going to continue this. She was not going to be the ward of a prick who thought the world owed her something.

"I cannot believe that Lucian likes that girl," she said out loud, "What did he see in her?"

She stopped in the middle of the hall, she looked around. She did not even know where Thoth was, she had not paid attention to where the bloody kitchen was when he had brought them in.

"I think I am going to explore then," she said and turned right towards the stairs leading up.