War of Hell is over

Gadrial's face softened when Uriel stepped out behind Lucian. Her anger just stopped and she calmed down. Her sword hung loosely in her hand and then she dropped it. She ran to Uriel with her arms outstretched.

Uriel smiled and he opened his arms to welcome her into his embrace. Gadrial hit him with a soft oomph and closed her arms around his neck while her wings enveloped him. "I am fine, Gadrial."

Tears ran down her face and on his chest. It mixed with the dry blood that stained his body, her body began contorting as she started to wail with joy. "I thought that I have lost you."

"You will never lose me," Uriel replied softly and kissed the top of her head. "Why were you so angry?"

Uriel looked above her head towards Gabriel who had turned and looked away. Michael and Thoth had made it to the almost killing of Gabriel. Uriel's right hand rubbed her back in a soothing manner. "You know you can tell me right?"