Saying Goodbye...

Lucian took her hand. "I might have a solution for you Rial."

Gadrial's eyes lit up. A flicker of hope sparked inside of her. "What is your solution?"

Lucian bit his lip, he never wanted to ask this of her because she was always a free spirit but the need is dire and if she cannot leave Hell…

"I need you to stay behind with me and Lillith and then I am going to ask you to kneel." He said determindley.

Horror flashed over her face and her skin turned paler. Lucian took a good look at her when Hell's sun caught her face. She was always beautiful to him but the way she had changed into a hybrid… she was glowing.

"Lucian… I-" 

"I think this is the best way to go and after the war I will set you free from any obligation. I think because you are part demon-" Lucian took a deep breath. "You need my permission to leave."

Gadrial turned away from him and her gaze fell on Hell's horizon. Lucian licked his lips but did not push her to answer.