Plans are in Place

They made it to Lillith's club. The streets were dark and some of the lamps turned to a flicker of orange. Dawn had approached and they were safe for now. They folded their wings back and approached the door to the club.

It was no or never. This will be their safe haven for now. Uriel knocked on the door and the small hatched opened. "Oh it isssss you…" The demons hissed at them.

"Yes. It is us and we need entry." Uriel said hastily.

"The lady issss not in," it hissed at them.

"We know the lady is not in." Uriel spat at it. "She is in Hell keeping Lucian company and we need sanctuary."

He saw the snake demon's eye twitch. It was think it over slowly and Uriel swore that if this thing did not let them in then he would blast the door a way.

"The lady has to grant permissssion to enter." It said slowly.