
It's hard for me to write this. I'm sorry that there won't be an upload today. I spent the day with my daughter and ex. After my daughters ballet performance, she and I spent time together in the city. We made love then I cooked some sort of tortilla pie recipe from HelloFresh delivery service. I cooked it from scratch. Then it was 9:30 by then, we ended up getting hooked on the tv show Kingdom- a korean pre-apocalypse zombie tv show on Netflix. Which brought many inspirations, a few for my novel and a lot for a zombie themed story, which is probably my strongest point. Though I'm only doing one novel and finishing season 1 of it.

I plan on continuing my dream job and making a marketing company.

I'm thinking of introducing rest day every week.

Inspiration day?

"You're trying to use that day to write a double uploadnarent you? You cheeky bastard"


But for now we'll do what I call a no research challenge. My chapters can be long because of my intent on realism and double checking the facts. However it can also be limiting my creativity and slow my writing time.

For this challenge I will only do light fact checks. It'll be up to my imagination rather than researching too much.

So let's see how we go!

Once again thanks so much for your patience and understanding.