"I make a great first impression on the teachers," he muttered to himself. Why did he come after Dan at all? Not like he was offensive. Not like Dan deserves it so much. Not like it was Logan's responsibility. Perhaps he was driven by the drop of hope he received from Noah. There can't be that much similarity between the two Daniel McKenzies. It's simply impossible. If it is possible that Danny is alive, Logan must do everything he can to get him back into his life.
He walked around the school, opened every restroom, the only place he didn't look, were the locker rooms. But who would go to the locker room in nervousness? As Logan opened, his question was answered. Dan lay on a bench on his back, covering his eyes with one hand, drumming nervously on his own belly with the other. He was listening to music from earphones, so loud that even Logan could hear the roaring rock.
„Dan?" He finally said. „ Can we talk?"
„Talk to Noah." Dan replied motionlessly.
-„Can I come over to your place?"
„Logan, I've known you for a day. And it wasn't a grateful day."
Logan took a deep breath. All or nothing.
"I know your sisters, Rosa, Teodora, and Luis."
Dan sat up curiously hearing this.
„Are you a stalker or what? That's pretty scary."
„No, I just…" Logan didn't know what to say. – „The… The music you listen to. You were at their concert a few years ago. Maybe sometime… when you were 13 years old."
Logan hurriedly reached into his pocket, took out his wallet, and sat down next to Dan.
„Please tell me this's you. Or not. I just need to know." He gave a picture of Dan to him.
„… Maybe?"
„What do you mean?"
„My class is right!"
„About what?"
„That there's something wrong with my head!" Dan put his hand in front of his mouth. „I'm sorry, I didn't want to raise my voice."
Logan put the picture away. „No, I'm sorry."
"I don't remember a few things before I was 14. I had an accident." Dan sat up slowly. „But anyway… You're right. We do know each other. But I can't remember you."