Logan ran into the bathroom as soon as he got home to wash his face. He looked in the mirror, frustratedly with his hair dripping, and his eyes flushed. He made a mistake. Again. He had always loved getting up early in the morning, and now even Isaac had asked him to bring fresh breakfast from the bakery. Of course, he couldn't go where Dan worked, so he headed for a farther one. He saw Dan on the way, and instead of avoiding him far away, he followed him. And when Dan came out with a pregnancy test…
„You couldn't watch your mouth." Logan whispered to himself. He couldn't push Dan away. Not when he was just like Danny.
„Maybe I'm going crazy?" Logan sighed.
„Why would you go crazy?" Isaac hugged him from behind. Logan didn't expect his partner to wake up so early, so he shivered at touch, a bit scaredly.
„You woke up early." The boy turned to Isaac. „I'm going to prepare breakfast." He smiled at him, then pressed a kiss to his lips. Thank God Isaac, no longer scanning Logan's silly speech, he looked at the boy with a smile.
„Don't worry so much about school, dear." He said afterwards.
Logan pretended like he didn't hear that, but it felt good that Isaac noticed that he was nervous. Still, how not to worry?
"It's my final year in high school, and then I'm free."
„Free? Why, what does this great freedom mean?" Isaac sat down at the table. Logan shrugged, then looked out the window contemplatively.
„I do not know. I'm not sure I want to go to college."
„You could help me."
Logan's blood froze in his veins.
„I'd prefer to keep my hands clean." He shook his head in opposition.
„You know it's a little bit late for that." Isaac smiled mockingly at him as he took Logan's hand. „You've seen a lot. You did a lot. These soft hands should not become crusty from work." He breathed a kiss on the boy's hand then let it back on the table. "Your brother would be happy to see you work with me in the business. He knows that I am keeping you safe."
"Isaac, I don't want to offend you, but Everest and you have different definitions of what 'business' is. We'll talk about it later, let's eat now." For the second time, Logan managed to distract Isaac from an awkward conversation, so he was proud of himself.
The rest of the morning was peaceful until he arrived in the classroom. Dan was lying on the desk, he seemed to be asleep. His face was barely visible from her tousled, wavy hair, exuding such serenity that he was barely recognizable.
„You're on my part of the desk." Logan said at last. No reaction.
„Our first class is right arounf the corner." He tried further, but it seemed to be hopeless. Why would somebody get up early in the morning and then not be able to stay awake? Of course… The pregnancy test. He must have had tiring days, and if he bought the test to his girlfriend, it was even an appreciable human act. Logan didn't have the heart to force it any longer, he decided to look around the hallway until then.
„Good morning!" A boy waved at him unexpectedly.
„To you too."
"Until Dan wakes up, do you want to sit here? There are still a few minutes until the class starts"
Logan surveyed the boy and nodded.
-„I'm Noah. Last year I was new too, I thought we, fresh arrivals, could stick together." Noah had a kind, encouraging smile on his round face. His blonde hair was in a half-bun similar to Isaac's, his dress style clearly drawn from pop culture. Logan must have never spoken to him normally, but with Noah offering the seat so kindly, he couldn't refuse it.
„ I'm Logan." He smiled at Noah uncertainly. – „How many times does he do this?"
„Dan. Does he often sleep at school?"
„I think so." Noah shrugged. „I didn't really pay attention to him."
„Do you not like him?"
„I do not not-like him. We are just not that close. He's not really close with anyone at all. Except for Annie. But let's talk more about you. You mentioned yesterday that you used to live here. Why did you move away?"
Logan frowned at the question.
"My brother lives abroad, so I live with his friend. We went after my brother and decided it was better to stay there. Then we started traveling. Eventually we ended up here again to prepare everything for my brother for when he comes home.
„Cool." Noah nodded appreciatively.
„And you? Why did you come to this school last year?"
„My story is less exciting. I just did poorly in my previous school, so my mothers signed me in to a weaker one."
„And it is better here?"
„No. I'm lazy to learn." Noah pointed his head to the direction of Dan "Just like your deskmate."
„Yes. I don't know too much about it, but the others say his brain has some… issues.
„Brain issues?" Logan furrowed his eyebrows.
„Well, some kind of illness. You see, like… he's disabled, I guess."
„First of all, you can't say disabled, you have to say 'a person with disability'. Second of all, why do they think that?
„He behaved very strangely in the first few years. He suffered some kind of a head injury in an accident. I don't know anything more.
"And younever will if you just speak behind my back."Dan spoke hoarsely behind them.
Logan jumped up in fright.
„Dan, good morning."
"It would be better if there weren't two bastards early in the morning who call me disabled." Dan tucked his sweater into his bag, then stormed past Logan and Noah.
"Anyway," Noah said, turning back nervously. „There's nothing wrong with someone with a disability. It's a private thing."
Dan measured the two boys, then walked out of the room.
„Dan, the class is starting!" Noah shouted after him, in vain. Logan ran his fingers nervously through his hair, then turned to Noah.
„Tell the teacher we're at the doctor's office." The situation was frighteningly similar to the previous day. Logan looked out at the courtyard at first, but didn't see a soul. As he walked around the corridors, he heard that the class's started.