Meet me

Dan, as always, arrived on time for the first day of school. His dark brown hair dangled before his eyes tamelessly, thanks to the sun his freckles joyfully showed up on his Creole-colored skin. He loved the school. It kept his life in order, and he also received a lot of attention, especially from the girls. What would he have done without the many kind praises and laughing, chattering mouths? He could be the center of attention and he loved it. Even temporarily, but people were watching him. He didn't like being told he was a class clown, but he really couldn't have described his place in the class any other way. They laughed at his jokes, fooled around him, but he didn't really get more than that. it didn't bother him, but it didn't feel good either. He would have liked a few more friends.

He sat to the desk in the middle by the window, alone. No one was going to sit next to him, and that's fine. At least that's what Dan thought.

„Can I sit with you?" a kind voice asked. It belonged to Jenny, Dan's ex-girlfriend.

„I'm sorry, but it is taken." smiled at her Dan reluctantly as Jenny looked around.

"I don't see the queue."

"I do, at the front there is my homophobic, racist, dead aunt. I'm sorry but I'd rather sit with her than with you."

„Are you still mad at me?"

"Leave me alone. Sit somewhere else."

Dan successfully chased the girl away with his harsh words, who then sat down with his giggling girl friends. Dan didn't like the first few classes on the first day of school. Everyone was silent, and he was not used to it. He lived with 4 of his sisters, his mother, and his niece at home, so there was constant noise. In the first lesson, the teacher, Mrs. Hudson, told them what to expect during the year and gave them accident and fire education training. Given that they had to listen to this over and over again every year, Dan didn't really pay attention until a new piece of information piqued his interest. The teacher announced the arrival of a new student at the end of the lesson. Theoretically, the new boy will arrive in the next hour. The girls immediately started to whisper, the boys made their frustration to be heard that no new prey was coming for them. In the end, the bell rang, and Mrs. Hudson had no chance of keeping the students stay still. Dan left the room to find the only person he attended for on the first day of school.

„McKenzie!" someone behind Dan shouted in a highpitched voice. The boy didn't even have time to turn around when someone and hugged him and held him in an accidental choke that would embarrasse a wrestler. Dan laughed in delight, well pleased with the slightly tight embrace and the whining that echoed directly into his ears.

"I'd love you to call me Dan, like everyone else." he turned around after freeing himself from the grip of the thin arms. Annie, as always, was shining. Her snow-white teeth flashed from her huge smile, her wavy brown hair was adorned with blondish stripes of highlights, and her white skin was slightly flushed from the summer sun. Her green eyes measured Dan excitedly.

„You've grown again." She said, nodding appreciatively.

„You are just becoming shorter and shorter". the boy grinned.

"You can say what you want to say, the boys like short girls."

„Oh no, tell me you didn't meet Mr. "True Love" 5.0 ..."

„You're underestimating me, Daniel. Annie winked at the boy. „I'm still stuck at 3.0."

„And that would be... Who-Who exactly?"

„Charles. Can't you follow the events?"

„ Seriously? Who could adjust to your love life?" Dan rolled his eyes. Annie thought this question was a prompt to tell him how fate had reunited her with the boy she had met in 9th grade. It wasn't a very intriguing story, but Dan smiled for minutes for the first time in the day. Annie told the story without a break and, despite the constantly repetitive stories, it completely got the boy's attention.

„What about you? Was there a summer adventure?" she asked him suddenly.

"Um ..." the boy shrugged nervously. „I worked most of the summer. I didn't have time to date. There were a party or two, I danced there with girls. I made out with a few and there was a little it-and-it, but that's it."

„You mean, with several girls at once?"

"No, Annie, who do you think I am?" Dan shook his head with a smile.

„Are you still working in that bakery?"

- Still, enthusiastically, yes.

„Hardcore. But just so you know, when I say it's hardcore, I mean it's dull. Are you sure you don't want a girlfriend? Let's say..." - Annie looked around as if she was looking for someone. Her eyes suddenly widened, and she pointed towards the stairs. „Her!"

Dan followed Annie's gaze. He could not see her face, only her long, ebony hair, her jeans wrapping around her beautiful thighs, her T-shirt showing her thin waist. She was tall, maybe even taller than Dan.

"You didn't even see her face, and you would ship me with her?"

„She must be a new chick!"

„I don't think she's a chick." Dan looked at the stranger in disbelief.

„That wasn't a very nice remark." crossed her arms Annie.

„I'm serious! Did you see his shoulders? And that he was even taller than me?"

„ So, what if he's a boy?" she smiled defiantly.

- My sexuality is solid, thank you very much." As Dan uttered that sentence, the bell rang. „Oh, is it so late already? I have to go, sorry Annie."

„Is your boyfriend waiting for you?" Annie shouted after him teasingly.

Dan arrived to the classroom a minute late. He sat down in his seat and continued what he was interrupted at in the previous class: daydreaming and doing absolutely the bare minimum.

Mrs. Hudson entered the room with a huge smile on her face.

„My dear class! I want you to meet your new classmate, Logan Zakuro."

Dan decided he might be listening just this once. The boy who entered through the door was the person he saw with Annie in the hallway. He watched in amazement as the boy walked to the teacher with slow, almost careless steps. He was tall, and although his bodytype and long hair made a feminine impression, his face and shoulders roared that he was a man. And, he was the most beautiful man Dan had ever seen.

Logan looked around, and to Dan's greatest fright as the pair of black eyes glanced at him, the boy became even paler. For the next few seconds, they stared into each other's eyes before Dan looked away. He must have heard what Annie said about him in the hallway. Or could it be that he was staring too conspicuously? Dan banged his head on the table in his mind.