Your name

As Logan entered the room, he felt his heartbeat in his throat. He knew what the reaction would be. Always the same. He looked around the room, running his eyes across the faces. He saw some students who whispered, some who had a surprised face, some who looked slighly disappointed. Thank God he didn't see a familiar face. As he thought about that, someone caught his eye. His gaze met a boy sitting by a window. Is this a sick joke? Brown hair, Creole skin, freckles, pointy nose, playful look. This boy was a replica of Danny. It felt as if lightning struck Logan's body. If 26 curious eyes hadn't looked at him, he would have cried. Before he could have said anything, the boy looked away. Has Logan been watching him for too long?

"Logan, can you say a few words about yourself? Where did you come from, what do you like to do, and so on? "Mrs. Hudson encouraged him

- I moved out of here 6 years ago. Since then, I've been to different schools in 4 places. I moved back 1 month ago. I enjoy listening to music. I think this much info is enough about me." Logan smiled uncomfortably.

„Any questions for Logan?" Mrs. Hudson looked around. „Yes, James?"

„We were told a boy was coming. Are you sure you aren't in the wrong classroom?"

Logan wasn't surprised by this sentence. It is a miracle that no such comment had been made so far. Mrs. Hudson and Logan opened their mouths to respond, but someone preceded them.

„What is that? Are you afraid that your girl would rather sleep with another boy then with you again, James?" The sentence came from the familiar boy. The joke didn't really seem to be that funny, but it was greeted with a huge ovation in class. Logan was grateful that the attention was drawn away from him.

„That's enough, class!" the teacher snapped. „Logan, take a seat. How about sitting next to your protector?"

Logan took a deep breath and sat down next to the Danny-impostor. He decided he would try to keep his distance. He had to endure this without crying at least until break.

„Hello." the boy greeted him. Well, so much for this.

„Hi, my name's Logan."

„Dan." held out his hand his deskmate.

„Are you kidding me right now?" Logan whispered. Everytime he looked at the boy, the situation became more and more frustrating.

"I have better jokes than my name."

„What is your full name…?"

„Daniel McKenzie."

„But that can't be."

"Shall I show you my ID, officer?"

"Listen, I don't know how sick you and your friends are, but this's not fucking funny. I don't know how you know about all of this, but leave me alone."

„What?" Dan asked incomprehensive.

„Dan, please keep quiet now. You will have time to get to know each other during the break." told them teacher annoyed.

For the rest of the class, the two boys sat side by side quietly. Logan did his best not to cry immediately and not to turn to his deskmate to take a look at him. As the bell rang, new classmates ran over to Logan, Dan just gave him another insulted look and then left the room.

„I have to go to the bathroom." Logan got up from the table and hurried after his deskmate. He wandered around the huge building, unknown to him, before he saw the familiar freckled face outside in the yard. The boy sat alone and visibly avoided everyone's gaze.

„Why did you do that?" Logan asked.

„What?" Dan looked at him wearily.

„You're not Daniel McKenzie."

Dan stood up nervously. "Why the hell would I come up with such a silly name for myself?"

„Silly name? You should have a little respect for others."

„That's MY damned name! Do you know how many Dan McKenzie there are in the country anyway? You really shouldn't be so upset."

Logan took a threatening step toward Dan.

"Oh, and it would be a coincidence that you, Dan McKenzie, look just like--"his voice was suddenly gone.

„Like?" The other boy spread his hands questioningly.

„Like him." Logan's tense hold relaxed. He looked at the ground and then turned away. "If you continue to expect me to call you by that name, it won't end well." - he would have just walked back into the building when Dan called after him:

"If you'd be a little kinder to people, the other Dan might not have left."

He wouldn't have left. He left. The other Dan left. The words echoed in Logan's head. Then his head became empty, he just moved. By the time he regained consciousness, he was on top of Dan, grabbed the neck of his shirt and shouted,

"You don't know anything! Just fucking leave me alone and tell me your real name!"

„My name is Dan!" The boy under him held up his hands defensively.

„You are a liar!"

„I'm Dan McKenzie." Dan squirmed hopelessly. Loga may have seemed to be weak at first but in such an aggressive state he smoothly defeated and kept his frightened fellow classmate on the ground. He raised his hand to punch him, and Dan became really desperate.

„Logan, stop!" He finally said in a highpitched but confident voice.

He didn't really know what had happened, but the enraged boy totally regained consciousness finally. Logan climbed off of Dan and then stepped back.

„I-I'm sorry." he stammered.

Dan got up, dusted himself off, then looked at Logan.

"As far as I can tell, it hurt you more." He held out his right hand to the trembling Logan. "If you want to talk to me I am here. If my name is a forgivable sin."

Logan didn't fully understand what was happening. He was just about to punch Dan, and the boy just remained kind. Even in personality, the Danny-impostor was so similar to the original Danny. Maybe…

„Coincidentally don't we know each other?" Logan asked hopefully.

Dan shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I guess I am sure I would have remembered you."

„I see." Logan nodded as he accepted the handshake. When they returned to the building, a tall, bald man stood in their way.

„Did you two fight out in the yard?"

„It wasn't really a fight. I only taught Logan a few… Judo... stuff." Dan smiled reassuringly.

„Dan, please don't try to explain yourselves. Come with me." the man gestured, then directed the two boys to the principal's room.

„You're both getting a suspension for today." The headmaster sat down in his chair, printing out two copies of the requester. "Logan, your brother worked hard to get you here. Causing a problem ont he first day is not too good for your future. Please pay attention!"

„I'm sorry." Logan shrugged and then picked up the paper. Dan and him only exchanged a glance before stepping out of the door, leaving his deskmate alone. He took a deep breath. He couldn't go home so early. He sat down on the bench to wait for Dan, though every nerve in his body screamed to leave.

It took a quarter of an hour for the door to open. Dan stepped out of the room with a frustrated face. He would have just set out for the classroom to pick up his stuff when he saw Logan. His face immediately brightened.

„Well, I didn't expect this."

„Me neither." squinted his eyes Logan.

„Why did you wait for me?"

„Because I don't have a better thing to do all of a sudden."

Dan measured the pale, sunken face with a little suspicion.

„Is everything alright? You seem to be a little bit… Off."

Logan looked at Dan with a killer look. "Maybe if-" he started but as soon as he saw the other boy's worried gaze he stopped. – It doesn't matter. I'm tired. I'm going home.

„Is that why you waited?" Dan said in disbelief.

„I just remembered that I have important business. See you tomorrow." Logan stood up, avoiding Dan's gaze, then stormed out of the school.

„And your bag?" He heard Dan's shout, but he decided to ignore it. He didn't want to take another look at Dan. Ever.