Biology experiment

The man didn't move, just surveyed him. Dan felt inexplicably small under the deliberate look. The man's muscular body was covered with tattoos and scars. His black hair was trapped in a tousled half-bun, and the naturalness of his lips and eyebrows was broken by traces of cuts. Dan was familiar with these characteristic traits, but he couldn't recall where he had seen him.

„You're that bastard from yesterday." The man remarked.

„Oh." Dan finally remembered who this man was. He was with Logan in the bakery. „Sorry about yesterday. I had a bad day."

„I don't care what day you had. What are you doing here?"

Dan glanced at the house.

"I just wanted to apologize to Logan, is he home?" Dan smiled convincingly. His intuition whispered that he should not tell the truth to the man.

„How do you know he lives here?"

„I checked the school records."

„He is at school. You should know that, after all, you are classmates."

„Well, that's true, but…"

„Do you think that I am stupid?" He stepped menacingly closer to Dan. „Stay away from Logan."

Dan stepped back toward the alley. If He has to run, better make sure to have a way out.

"I think Logan can take care of things for himself." Dan said in a trembling voice.

„What is your name?"


The man stepped closer and closer to Dan. His eyes widened, he was visibly nervous. His pace quickened, making Dan decide it was time to run. As he turned away, the man grabbed the neck of his T-shirt and nailed him to the wall with. Something glittered in his other hand, but Dan didn't dare look there. He closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing as the metal pressed against his throat.

„Well, Daniel, you can take this as a warning. Don't go near Logan." He squeezed. „Do you understand me?"

Dan was too scared to even make a sound. He lost control of his body. When he had given up that he would ever be able to move again, a shout came from the end of the alley.

„Isaac! Logan took a quick step towards Dan and the man. „Let go of him!"

The man's grip loosened so Dan could squirm out of the hold, gasping for air.

„You little shit." Isaac gritted his teeth. Logan stood a little more timidly in front of the man. „You lied to me. Several times. You cannot be trusted, can you? Are you dating Daniel fucking McKenzie? Plus, are you so stupid as to come to OUR house with him? I knew it was a mistake to come to this shithole of a town. Come with me immediately." He stormed past Logan.

Logan tossed a box over to Dan.

"You'll find everything you need for the Biology experiment in this. I'll see you soon." He ran after Isaac in a hurry.