Starting to remember

It's a terrible thing to be hypersensitive. It's as if one wants to sink deep into the sea without equipment. Every word, every effect is equal to a depth of one meter, and the pressure keeps increasing. It is not possible to know where the body and the soul are first broken. Will your eardrums get ruptured under pressure? Will the water break into your nose? Will the salt burn your eyes? Or will your lungs explode before all this? Each time the result is different. There are times when the fracture it causes is more intense, there are times when it is barely noticeable.

Dan didn't even know what was hurting the most. Choking, he grabbed his T-shirt as if he wanted to dig his way into his lungs with his hands to get air. He was already crying so much that her eyes ached from the salty tears. He tried to sniff softly through his nose so he would not alarm his family with a panic attack. . He knew how to handle a situation like this. He gathered all his strength to calm his breathing. Doesn't matter how he felt, he knew he wouldn't drown. He identified objects in his room to get in touch with reality. After the fear of death passed, he drank a little of water, wiped his eyes, then lay down on the bed. After a short rest, he looked around the room.

He looked at everything he found in the box he received from Logan. Photos, diaries, unsent mails, a series of videos taken on an old camera. There was only left a CD at the bottom of the box, with cricket letters on it: Logan and Danny's music. The boy put it into the player softly, as if it were made of glass. He picked up the diary, which he couldn't read yet because of his panic attack. The thought that a boy, and all the memories associated with him, had just disappeared was not only sad, but terrifying as well. What haven't he remembered yet? How many faces are there that he would know if the accident hadn't happened? The shared memories described by Logan were like they had happened with stranger. Finally, Dan took a deep breath and opened the torn booklet.