Reminiscene of a goodbye

Logan frowned in surprise, it took a few moments for him to break out of his first-class memories. As a result of the question, he thought of Isaac, and if he had been asked a day later, he would not have seemed so inexperienced now.

„No." He confessed. „But almost. Does that count?"

„I'm afraid that's not how it works." Danny laughed. „And do you want to kiss?" He asked with such naturalness as if Logan hadn't spent the last few months fighting the urge to kiss him, suppressing his emotions.



„With who?"

"Don't know, should I call one of my sisters here, or am I good for you?"

„This is not a good idea." Logan said. „Why? If it's bad, we won't do it more than once. If it's good, then we will." "Danny, this would mean more to me than it would to you." Logan shook his head. „Kiss Me." The boy continued to encourage him.



„Why do you want this?"

„Because… Maybe I feel the same way."

„Are you making fun of me right now now?" Logan jumped up from the bed. „I knew I shouldn't have told you what I felt."

Danny grabbed his hand and pulled Loga non top of him. Logan watched the boy's face, then surrendered with a sigh.

"I hope there will be at least this much of fuss about that poem."

„You'll see." Danny smiled, then stroked Logan's face. „Trust me."

Every click of the clock echoed in the quiet room. Logan ignored all his fears and leaned over to Danny. He felt awkward as he pressed his lips against the other boy's, but Danny didn't seem to bother. It was a careful kiss, as if they said they were afraid for each other. Logan felt his heart beat in his throat, his hands trembling. Danny stroked him kindly and pulled him closer.

Logan thought this was the most beautiful, happiest moment of his life. He would have smiled into the kiss when- - „Get off of me." Danny jerked away. „What?" Logan pulled back.

„I said get off of me! This was a bad idea. I'm not a faggo-'' he didn't finish the sentence.

"I'm sorry, I--" Logan tried to explain, but Danny's gaze silenced him. He looked at him in disgust.

„Go home." He instructed.

„But you wanted me to kiss you!" Logan defended himself, but only made the situation worse.

„I wanted it? I just felt pity for you. How could I be gay? "All the kindness that has flowed from Danny so far was gone." It's like he was a stranger." Logan said nothing, and just stood up and headed home. He ran all the way, he just wanted to be in his room already. He fell into his bed and cried, hugging his pillow.

„He hurt you, didn't he?" Isaac leaned against the doorframe. "That's why you shouldn't fall in love with a straight boy. It always ends up in crying. You can't change him."

„But I thought---''

„That he is in love with you? Come on. He just took advantage of the fact that you were always there for him." Isaac sat down on the bed. „That's the way first love is. It comes and then goes. You're still so young to cry about it you should move on."

Logan didn't answer. Maybe, he really shouldn't have taken his feelings for Danny so seriously.

"Take my advice" Isaac continued. „Forget him for a while. Don't message him. If he writes, don't answer. Don't complicate this even more."

It was quite easy to live by these words. Danny didn't speak to Logan anymore.