Chapter 1

You saw him standing there, black hair and a little shy. He never looked up, only down at his feet. His hair covered his face, unaware of the dangers that had now befallen him.

He was nothing special, just an average looking shy kid that seemed like he got picked on a lot.

The first time you spotted him you were walking with your friends, Akane and Fumi. He passed you and the moment he did you stopped. He continued walking, seemingly not knowing the jocks following him shortly after. You stared at the back of his head, his slightly slouched form looking so fragile.

You saw those boys put a hand on his shoulders. You saw the way he flinched. You saw the plotting smiles of the boys slowly surrounding him.

Your friends noticed your staring, tugged you along and led you to the classroom.

The time came for lunch, no sign of the shy black-haired boy. You had been thinking about him all day. You sat with your friends, the delinquents. You were the boss but that didn't make you any less popular, just feared.

Your group of friends would back you up no matter what. You all caused trouble and done some bad shit. Your gang was tight like that, whether it was doing the dirty work for them or cleaning up after their many interrogations.

So it wasn't a surprise to you when Akane slapped her hand down on the table, showing you a file.

"(Name), you might want to take a look at this. It's the school's file as well and some more, we did some digging of our own. Don't think we didn't notice. He seems way off from your type, but I guess you did like them submissive." The red-haired girl clicked her teeth, not in annoyance but a signal of the end of her words for the day.

You picked up the file and opened it. The first words you saw was the name Felix Xiu Jun. Flipping through the whole file you learned he lived on his own, he was the same age as you, eighteen, his parents are dead, you had his address and all his confidential information. There were also pictures of those boys beating him up and the names of said boys written on a sticky note.

"Thank you, Akane. I can really count on you girls." You smiled and held up a finger gun, closing one eye and pretending to fire at her. "Pew."

"I'm guessing you'll want to take care of those boys by yourself. But, of course, we are here in case you want to sit back and watch." Fumi reassured you, even though you both already knew you didn't need it.

"I'm going to have fun! It's been a while and I'm ready to get some action!" You stood up and stretched back arching.

The gang of girls and boys waved at you, wishing you to fun.

The boys you were looking for were easily spotted. You wasted no time before you sauntered over like a predator stalking their prey. "Oh, boys! I would love to have chat with the three of you! Please follow me!" You had a lovely closed-eyed smile on your face and it fooled the dumb asses.

They looked at each other and smirked. No doubt thinking they were about to get some, whether by force or you offer.

You internally cringed in disgust. Ugh, men. You thought of your lovely Felix and you couldn't help but smile wider.

Leading the three boys to behind the school, you stood with your backs to them.

"So how do you want to do this? I mean, you sure you can take all of us? I'm down to watch and then have my turn." One of the boys spoke up.

The unbuckling of belts were heard and you immediately told them to stop.

They halted at the sound of your voice. What once was so beautiful, now sounded demonized.

"You foolish children seemed to have misinterpreted my words. Though it is expected from such lowlife scum." You turned and looked at them in disgust, a glare painting your face.

"Why you bi-" One of the blondes started.

You kicked the boy in the balls, a crunching sound could is heard.

He howled in pain and held his balls, rolling around on the dirt ground.

"How was that? Do you want more?"

"No! Please don't hurt me!" He sobbed in pain.

You ignored his pleas and stepped on his throat, boats crushing his windpipe. You stayed for a solid ten seconds before you heard movement beside you. The brunette boy came after you, hands raised and fists clenched. You ducked and swept your feet at his legs causing him to fall. You kicked his side hard and continued to kick until he was bleeding uncontrollably. The third boy was shaking. He stared at you in fear.

You looked into his eyes, taking a step forward towards him. The moment you did, the front of his pants darkened and soaked his pants. You actually laughed, after realizing he pissed himself.

You went to his frozen form and nudged him. He fell to the dirt and stared up at you in fear. You jerked his pants down to his ankles and smiled evilly above him. Taking out your phone, you snapped a few pictures at various angles and sent them to your friends.

They were all still conscious, so you spoke. "Stay away from Felix. If I see you or your friends hurting him again, I'll kill you."

Little did you know, said black haired male watched the whole incident. He smiled and hugged himself, face reddening and pants tightening. You did all that, for him? He's been stalking you for a while now. Taking pictures of you whenever he could. He picked up his camera and snapped a shot. You stood menacingly over the boys, eyes glaring and lips curled into a smile.

"(N-Name)!" He silently cried out, dropping his camera. He tugged at his tie and pulled the hem of his shirt down over his pants. He watched you with infatuation, breath turning heavy and cheeks heating up. The front of his pants we're stained as well, but not with urine. He fell down near the bushes he was hiding behind, wriggling in need.

Unaware of his eyes, you abandoned the boys in pain and continued on your way, satisfied with your work.