Chapter 2

He couldn't believe that you really had beat up lowlifes for him! He was ecstatic that you must feel the same way as him!

He returned to his apartment, the tinted windows reflecting the midday sun. He was no stranger to money, but with all that money he had nothing he wanted. Until he saw you, you were so beautiful and so tainted. He wanted to taint you more.

By the time you returned back into the school, lunchtime was over and students had cleared out to their lockers. You retrieved your stuff and continued on like there were no wailing boys at the back of the school.

The end of the day came quickly, you were eager to head home and frame the pictures of Felix from the files.

The sun had long gone and you started your journey home.

On the way to your flat, you felt eyes on you. The streetlamps we're your only source of light. You continued on before stopping and turning around.

"If you come out now I'll give you a quick death." You called out to the darkness.


"Suit yourself, I'll make it long and painful for you now." You scanned the area.

"W-wait!" A timid voice pleaded. "I'll c-come out. I'm just n-nervous..."

"Understandable. You shouldn't be following me then." You watched as a dark figure emerges from an alley. The figure made his way into the streetlight, revealing Felix, with his black hair covering his eyes still.

"Felix?" You inquired in confusion. "Why were you following me?"

"I-I wasn't! I promise! I just returned from the convenience store and I go this way back to my home." He stuttered out his excuse.

You knew he was lying. You knew his address and his house is in the opposite direction.

"Well, why didn't you walk with me? You didn't have to walk behind like a creep." You crossed your arms, eyeing him suspiciously.

He flinched when you called him a creep. Shoulders deflating, "I was scared.."

"Of me?" You chuckled. "We'll have to fix that. Come with me home."

He was caught off guard by your sudden proposal. "What? I really don't think-"

"It's not a question it's a command, my dear. Let's go." You stepped three blocks down and motioned him inside your apartment building.

He hesitated before following, internally freaking out with both happiness and wariness. He followed you to the elevator and watches you press floor four.

He stood two feet away, unsure how you would react if he invaded your personal space.

You clutched your backpack tightly, framing his photos will have to wait. He has to actually like me first before I scare him away.

The elevator dinged and you got off the elevator, Felix trailing behind like a lost puppy. You reached your apartment and gave him a shove before turning and locking your door.

You hang your backpack on a hook and placed your keys on the counter.

He stumbled in but then watched your every move. He watched you go to the fridge and retrieve two beer bottles. You set one down on the island front of him after you popped the caps off.

"To new friendships." You held your bottle up expectantly.

He snapped out of his trance and clumsily picked up his beer bottle and clicked it to yours. "To new relationships." He then took a swig.

You chuckled at his change in words. "My name is (Name). I already know yours, it's nice to meet you, Felix."

He couldn't give away he already knew much more about you, so he played along. "(Name). I love it. It's an honor you already know my name."

You took a sip of beer. "Mmh. I guess it is. Let's go sit on the couch. I'll be back, I'm going to change out of my uniform." You were already a mess from not dressing is an organized manner, but alas the uniform was not ideal for seducing men.

You put on a pastel pair of lace thongs and some short loose sleeping shorts over them. You kept your bra off and wore a matching color silk sleeping tank top. You fixed yourself in the mirror and blew your reflection a kiss. He was going to be yours.

He heard the click of your door opening and drank more beer in anticipation. He almost spits his beer out when he saw you. He quickly, and as subtly as he could, grabbed a pillow to cover his lap. He tried to continue sipping his beer in a casual manner.

You strutted out with an innocent look on your face. Loving the reaction he gave, you giggled cutely. You were pulling out all the stops for him. Sitting down dangerously close to him, you learned close to him. "You want mine?" You offered your beer to him sweetly.

He nodded, unable to form words.

You smiled as he continued drinking. You stood up, giving him a face full of your plump ass hanging out the very short sleeping wear. "I'll go get you another, love."

He gulped, his hand tightening on the pillow that held your sofa pillow over his lap.

You returned with another open beer for him, he had finished your and already seemed a bit tipsy. After the third, he was borderline drunk.

What a lightweight, you thought, well easier for me.

You set your hand on his left hand, the one holding the pillow down. His face immediately flushed redder. "W-what are you doing?" He managed out in a nervous slurred voice.

"I just want to know you better, love. I want to know ALL about you." You whispered into his ear

He shivered and dropped the empty beer bottle.

Your quick reflexes caught it with your free hand and set it on the side table.

"I won't be able to control myself, (Name). Are you sure?" He stuttered out.

You pulled the pillow off his lap causing him to gasp. You slowly straddled Felix, wrapping your arms around his neck. He started up at you with hazy eyes. Already panting, he robotically set his hands on the small of your back. You giggled at his awkwardness.

At the sound of your giggle, he bucked up. You gasped in surprise. "Felix!" You squeaked out.

He was lost in your eyes, enthralled by your beauty and the situation.

You lowered you face to his, ghosting your lips across his. "Love?" You whispered.

"Yes?" He let out in an low voice.

You lowered yourself down and nipped at his neck. You could feel his clothed hardness through layers. "Why were you following me?"

"What do you m-"

You bit his neck and then sucked the spot you bit. "Don't lie to me, my love."

Drunk Felix wasn't processing your deciding, "I wanted to see you. I wanted you by yourself."

"Why?" You found another spot to attack on his neck.

"Because- nngh- I wanted to pictures of you." He panted.

"Why?" Your hands trailed onto his chest, unbuttoning the top buttons.

"Because your beautiful. And because your mine." At that proclamation he grasped your ass and claimed your lips.

Your were surprised and confused at his boldness. You suppose the fact that he was drunk may have contributed to it. You didn't kiss back. You let him devour your lips and explore your mouth with his tongue solo.

He pulled back and frowned. "Why didn't you kiss me back, (Name)?"

You looked at him, booped his nose, and then pressed a pressure point, knocking him out.

He wouldn't remember a thing in the morning since he was drunk.

You were confused, yet you had more information. He wanted you? You were not aware he knew of you before that moment.

Your mission was accomplished, you found out why he was following you and you finally got to meet the boy who held your interest.

Questioning him only led to more questions. And you felt the need to find out.

You carried him to your room, tucking him in bed after removing his shoes and socks. You wanted him to get the impression that something happened between the two of you. While something did happen, you rather he not remember you questioning him.

As far as he knows, you just had a passionate night and you are none the wiser.