Chapter 6

Felix was a mess.

After that class, he rushed to the restroom. He locked himself in a stall and dropped his bag. His breathing was uneven and his face red as blood.

He loosened his tie and attempted to calm down. Resting his hands on his knees he took a deep breath. The more he attempted to clear his mind, the more he thought about you. He eyed his bag with darting eyes. Your panties he stole were moved back into his bag, unable to bring himself to retrieve them from his pack that hung less than a foot away, he simply sat on the toilet. He dropped his head into his hands letting out a long sigh.

He didn't plan on ever actually spending so much time with you. It was honestly too much for him, he could barely keep his cool when it was just you and your friends. Now everyone at school was watching you two. He just wanted to steal you away, no one would even question if you "happened to skip school for the rest of your life". Your friends would, that he knows, but the rest of the school wouldn't know a thing.

Felix did plan on kidnapping you sometime this year, but you seemed to have different plans. You wanted him as a pet. He seemed to have forgotten about your dominant personality, his vision clouded by lewd thoughts and pink hearts floating around. It was almost as if you were the same as him, wanting him to the point of ownership.

His length hardened at being your pet. You, of course, would be his mistress. You would have ordered him on his knees, a whip in one hand, his leash in the other.

Where did the whip come from? We don't know, Felix has lost his shit.

He covered his drooling mouth, cock now laid out bare with his hand pumping furiously up and down. "(N-Name)!" He squeaked out.

In a stall next to him, someone shifted. He let out an inaudible gasp. "Dude..are you jacking off to (Name)? I mean, I see why but that's fucked up, at school. Ha." The guy in the next stall laughed.

Felix growled, hand still pumping his thick long cock. "And who are- ngh- you to -uhh- say anything? (Name) is m-mine so I can m-masturbate to her anytime."

"Eww fucker. You're still at it? She's too good for a loser like you. Tch. She already wants me, asked for my number and everything. Sorry but you're too late dawg." The man boasted.

In an instant, Felix ripped the door off the stall of said man's stall.

"H-Hey!" The guy was startled and glared at him.

Felix's dick was still hanging out, but he didn't even notice. "You have her number, huh? Delete it."

"What? No! I had to earn her number, dude. I'm hitting her up and then get some. I mean she was offering, what you want me to say, no?" It was intimidating for the guy to see Felix standing over him. His eyes always hidden behind his black bangs, leaving an expressionless face. If the boy was standing up, he might have not found him so patronizing. However, he was sitting on a toilet, exposed.

"Delete it."

"You don't o-"

"Delete. It. Now."

The redhead on the toilet was fed up. He zipped his shit up and stood up, he was at least four inches taller. "Listen here, fucker. I've been nice. I've been patient. Fuck off."

Felix growled again and clenched his fists, still wet from his previous activity. He swung a right hook at the redhead. The guy went down, falling back towards the toilet. He took his wet hand and smeared the residue onto the finger's face. "That's as close as you'll ever be with (Name). She was teasing me all last class. She would never do that to you. She only loves me. She only wants me. Understand? She's mine."

Before redhead could recover, Felix grabbed the back of the guy's hair. "Let me wash it off for you." He shoved redheads head in the toilet the man was just shitting in. He was careful not to dunk him all the way so his hand would not be soiled. He then kicked the guy in the balls. "That won't be going anywhere near (Name), understand? Oh wait, you can't here me, you're in deep shit." Felix pulled redhead back up. "How was the swim? Pretty shitty right?"

"St-ah-p-" Felix slammed his head onto the wall, causing the guy to go unconcious.

He searched the boy and found his phone and used redheads fingerprint to unlock it. "Huh, he was telling the truth. I'll have to ask (Name) about it." He deleted the number and dropped the phone in the toilet and went to clean himself up.

After gathering his stuff up he proceeded to his class.