Chapter 7

You tapped your foot impatiently at a disheveled and shitfaced looking guy was roughly brought to you up at the school roof.

"So care to tell me what happened again?" You glared down at the disgusting smelling boy and waved over someone to bring you a mask.

He was bowed to you, forehead planted on the ground. "This kid was soiling your name! I heard him jerking off to your name! Then somehow we got to the fact that I had your number and he told me to delete it! But, of course, I would never because you might want an errand from me and I wouldn't know who it was without having you as a contact. He kept saying you were his and his only. Then he came at me and shoved my head in the toilet that I-" He looked away embarrassed.

"That you what, hun? I don't got all day." You put on the mask that someone retrieved for you.

"T-that I took a s-shit in! And wiped his nasty hand on me saying that's the closet I'll be to you!"

"Okay then. Does this kid happen to have black hair with bangs over his eyes?" You put your finger to your head in exasperation.

"Uh yes actually." The redhead looked up curiously.

"This kid...." You waved redhead away and told Fumi and Akane to bring Felix to you. You only trusted them to bring him too you since Felix was stronger then he looked and you didn't need any useful people beat up. But you've gotten a glimpse when he went berserk and that was hot, showing someone's head in a bowl of shit, not so much. It also pissed you off on how he though you were his. He was yours, but you were not his. He doesn't own you. You owned him.

You stood up and looked by the gate. Seeing the fidgeting boy in question nervously waiting. You did tell him to wait for you by the gate. You didn't plan for the possibility he would act out again. You hadn't really punished him for being out of line, you must be going soft.

You watched your best friends walk up to the twitchy boy and speak to him, causing him to look up at the roof and meeting your eyes. He was quite a distance away but he could tell he was in trouble. Felix hung his head and followed Akane and Fumi back into the school looking up at you once again.

You say back down on your throne that resided in the school's rooftop. Girls and boys apart of your school gang littered the roof, all ready to hurt anyone who came up unwelcomed.

The doors slammed opened and Felix slowly walked in with two hands gripping tightly on his bag straps. You whispered something to a girl near you and she took your mask away and went to fetch your bag.

Akane and Fumi giggled knowingly and motioned for all the other to leave and follow them out down from the roof. The girl you sent to get your bag brought a large black bag and quickly left.

He eyed the bag warily, it was too large to be a school bag and he was unsure whether what was in him the bag would be good or bad for him. You weren't known for your forgiveness.

"I bet you know why you're here, don't you?" You stood up and unfolded a small table, setting the black bag on top. "Sit, dog."

Immediately Felix sat on the floor, forehead bowed to the ground.

"Don't let it go to your head that you are somehow superior in anyway. Just because you are noticed now, doesn't mean shit." You pulled out something metal and toyed around with it before setting it behind the bag.

Felix gulped in fear. What if you tried to break it off with him? What if you didn't want him anymore? Did you think he was too clingy? Was he not supposed to make you his in public? No. You wouldn't do that, you love him, you own him, you wouldn't let him go, would you?

Suddenly he was yanked from the ground and a silky blindfold tied tightly around his eyes.

You brought him to a near by chair and forced him to sit down. He didn't struggle at all. You tied him wrists behind him and tied his feet to the legs of the chair. His mouth was left free but you strapped his legs to the chair as well, keeping them spread apart.

"Anything to say, Felix? Anything at all?" You taunted grabbing the metal object, which was a chasity cage. "No? Shame, if you don't think you did anything wrong, I guess I'll have to tell you what you did wrong. First. You injured a man who I find quite useful in....dealings. Second. You tried to claim me. I am not yours. You are mine. Third. Do not think for one second that you are my only pet. You made the mistake of thinking you're special. Let me make it clear," You lifted your foot up and rested it on the seat between his legs. He was oblivious to his surroundings but he could fell the weight your foot put on the chair. "Just because you are in training doesn't single you out from the rest of my pets. Disobedient boys get punished."

Within a second your foot was crushing his balls, twisting and turning the heel into his empty balls.

A pained cry was torn from Felix's pink lips. He jerked in the chair, but you could tell he was trying not to squirm.

"Would you look at that? Emptied it all out in the bathroom, did ya? Shameless. I have just the thing for you." You heard him whimper and let out little cries as you continued your actions. Seeing Felix in pain turned you on more then you would like to admit. Something about the power you held over such a man made you want more.

You stopped crushing his balls and unzipped his pants, they were a little beaten up now, but you could care less.

You pulled both his pants and boxers down enough to release his cock. "This could've been a reward but you had to go and fuck it up."

"Ah (Name)!" He moaned and whined out to you. Once he felt the metal going over his cock, he started to struggle. "N-No, please no! Anything else, d-don't- ah please more- no please don't put it on! I'll be good! I'll be good!"

Ignoring his pleading, you clasped the chastity cage on his dick, tucking it in nicely before locking it and adding the small key to the necklace around your neck.

"All done!" You pulled his blindfold off and let it fall to the floor. "Doesn't it just suit you so well!"

His eyes were watery and his mouth agape with pants and whimpers. You giggled at him, finding his situation amusing. He tried to buck his hips, but you had strapped him down well, his legs refusing to budge with the tight leather binding him.

"P-Please! I'll never disobey you again! J-Just take it off!" His begging making you smile even wider in amusement.

You tucked the necklace full of small keys into your shirt, the chain it hung on glinting as the sun went down. "It's getting a little late now, I'm tired and wanted to spend some time with my pet but then he went and fucked it up." You tucked his cock back into his pants and zipped his school uniform back up. "I'm tempted to leave you here. No one would find you. You know what? Maybe I will! See you tomorrow then!" You smirked, even if he couldn't see it. With a swift peck on his check you packed up and headed down the stairs, leaving the roof door unlocked. You wanted someone to find him, someone who would bring a group to humiliate him.

You laughed at the image, the boy you claimed found bound to a chair, completely defenseless. The more you thought of who could find him, the more you thought of possibilty that someone could hurt him. No one could do that to him, no one except who you allowed. You shook your head, deciding to not dwell on the thoughts any longer.

Meanwhile, the moment you left he wiggled and jerked his body in all different directions. He moved the chair quite a bit, clanging could be heard from it. "Ah, shit. Why did she fucking leave me like this? I'm her future husband and this is how she treats me....I guess I'll have to teach her a lesson. After I get that damn key." Felix's emotions were all over the place, his shy pet demeanor vanishing the moment your presence wasn't around. He'd show you who he was eventually. He just had to let you think you were the one in charge. He enjoyed playing his part, mostly, times like these just makes him want to steal you away so your attention is only on him.

This was torture for him. He's missing his daily stalking and ritual where he sits in front of a shrine to you.

The sound of a door creaking open caused his head to snap towards the sound. But he didn't look to see who it was, he struggled more, cursing that he was too weak to break out of your tight bonds.

"F-Felix?" A voice called out.

He stopped movement. That was most certainly not your angelic voice. His face twisted up in disgust. What women dared to utter his name? It was only meant to be coming from your lips after all.

"D-Do you need h-help?" The voice continued to ask. "O-Of course you need help! You're tied up, I'm sorry!!" The click of heels came faster and stopped in front of him before slowly walking behind him. The bonds that binded were tugged at.

He scanned the area and saw all trace of you was gone, the roof was empty besides him and the girl, who he still didn't know who it was.

She managed to loosen his bonds significantly, but she was having trouble totally removing them. Felix got fed up and ended up pulling hard enough at the leather binds that they snapped.

The snap sounded a lot like someone slapping another, and the girl fell on the ground startled.

Felix stretched, wincing when he was reminded that his dick was caged when the metal brushed against him. "Dammit. She won't be happy to see this...I'll have to bring her a page offering..." He muttered, ignoring the girl who helped him free.

"I-I'm Mikarin! Did (Name) do this to you? I knew she was a bitch but to do it to someone like you! You should tell someone right away! Someone like her should be expelled!" The girl went to drag Felix away, but he caught her wrist before she touched him.

"Don't. Put. Your. Filthy. Hands. On. Me." He shoved her away. "How dare you speak of my love like that! How DARE you utter her name! You. Are. Not. Worthy." He glared down at her processing form.

"S-She's blackmailing you, isn't she? There is no way a sweet shy boy like you would ever love someone like her. She's a slutty bitch." Mikarin insulted, her thoughts full of denial. She didn't believe that Felix would stand up for you after what you did.

"Says the whore who can't even button their shirt or wear there skirt properly." He snarled at her in anger. His self control wavering at every insult directed your way. "Stay out of our relationship. There isn't room for your nosy ass. Don't ever speak shit about (Name) again, I'll kill you. I have to be good for (Name), so considered yourself spared." With those final words, he shoved passed Mikarin, purposefully hitting her shoulder and walking towards the stairs.

He stopped when heard Mikarin mutter, "Stupid brainwashing whore. She'll pay for this.."

He slowly turned around and faced Makarin. "The fuck you say, bitch?"