Chapter 8

Felix was seething. How dare this lowly bitch insult you? He wanted to rip her apart. Cut her limbs off while watching the life leave her eyes. His hands twitched. No one was around right? All he hand to do was reach out-

The roof door opened loudly with a slam.

"Ohhoho! What do we have here?" Fumi whistled lowly. "A dog off its' leash." she turned and saw Mikarin. "Oh? And a bitch too! Wait until (L/n) hears about this!"

"Tch. What's taking you so long, Fumi....?" Akane shoved her aside lightly. "(Name) just wants us to get her shit and leave..." Looking up the red-head saw that Felix was free of his bond with another girl. "Ay, Fumi. Who's the little bitch?"

Fumi slapped her hand on to the wall next to the door, hunched over form laughing. "Oh my god! Great minds think alike, one look and you can tell she's a bitch ass hoe!"

Felix was panicking. "T-This isn't what it looks like!"

Akane glared. "If someone says that, then it's mostly likely exactly what it looks like."

Mikarin glared back at the two girls. "How dare you let (L/n) ruin this boy! He's brainwashed! She has to be disposed of!"

"Disposed of?" Fumi stopped her laughing. Her face now serious and full of anger. "You are trying to dispose of (L/n)? Is that your end goal? You don't know shit and you are saying things like this...I will celebrate the day (Name) gets her hands on you. I'll laugh as you choke on your blood, you whore." With that she turned and headed straight down to the gate. You could hear her angry stomps all the way down the stairs.

"You'd do well to beg for your life, Felix. (Name) will not be happy."Akane grabs the items you had wished for and left the two.

Mirakin scoffed. "See Felix-"

He held his hand up. "Don't say my name." He was scared now. What if you left him? This girl was saying completely nonsense and he knew he couldn't get rid of her now that Fumi and Akane saw them together. They'd immediately know and think he was trying to dispose of the evidence. His eyes lit up suddenly. "I know! You'll be my peace offering to my love! After all, it was your fault!" He turned to her, smiling at his solution.

He grabbed what was left of the leather bindings.

"Wait w-what are you doing, Felix?" Mikarin backed up, nervously watching him gather the leather.

"Capturing you obviously! I need something to tie you down!"

Mikarin's eyes were wide with fear, she backed up and tripped on her own feet.

"Oh that makes this a lot easier." Felix towered over her and slammed her head onto the ground knocking her unconscious. "I hope she accepts my gift.." He tied the girl up and left to grab a large duffel bag. The lanky boy returned and shoved the girl into the bag. He zipped it up and briskly walked to your apartment.

He knocked and waited for your answer. He was nervous that Akane and Fumi had let you known. He growled, of course you would know! You always knew.

You opened the door and stared at him with bored eyes. "Oh. You. I'm guessing that's a gift for me."

He cringed. You were not happy. "Y-yes, (Name). I-I want to explain if you would let me?"

"Trying to make me seem like the bad guy now?"


You glared.

He lowered his voice. "S-Sorry. I-I did bring you a gift, s-so you can teach it a lesson. I-It hasn't been trained properly."

You scoffed. "And you have? Come in."

He shuffled in with his duffel bag, his eyes never left the ground.

"Drop the bag here." You pointed to a spot on the ground. "Akane! Fumi! Take care of the gift." The two girls entered from somewhere in your apartment and grabbed the bag and left through the front door. They both ignored Felix's presence and bumped into him on the way out. He stumbled to the side but didn't dare look up.

"Sit, dog."

He immediately sat where he once stood.


He let out a bark.

"Come." He followed on his hands and knees and followed you through your bedroom and into your bathroom. You turned on the shower, making sure it was ice cold. You motioned for him to enter the shower.

He hesitated.

"You just want more punishments don't you?"

He shook his head in nervously.

"Then get in."

Still fully dressed, he crawled into the shower. You unhooked the shower head and sprayed him all over. You soaked him with the ice cold water from head to toe.

He was shaking, trying not to flinch every time you went over again. You turned off the shower after what seemed like hours, it was only ten minutes.

You turned and left the bathroom, locking the door from the outside with your thumbprint.

Felix shivered. You left him. You left him all alone. YOU LEFT HIM! WHY? WHY DID YOU LEAVE HIM?

He sniffled, due to cold and the oncoming tears. He left the shower and leaned against the bathroom door. He heard you walking around out there.

There was a knock and a voice. A male's voice. Felix snarled. "NO! (NAME)! LET ME OUT! DAMMIT WHO IS THAT? WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO? LET ME OUT, (NAME)!" He ran at the door doing his best to throw his weight against it. The door didn't move an inch, it was a high grade material, much like the rest of your apartment.

You heard his banging and yelling and rolled your eyes. "Sorry, Leo. You know how it is with the new ones."

"Of course, Mistress. Don't feel the need to apologize to me." The auburn haired male sat down on the couch in your living room. The leather was cool against his exposed skin.

"Why are you here again, Leo? I haven't called you here, nor did I plan to." You sat opposite of him, looking at your nails in a bored manner.

He looked at you, trying to get your attention on him. He sighed when he realized you wouldn't look to him. "I-I missed you, Mistress....I want to be more of use to you.." He stuttered out.

"Leo. I let you go, if you don't remember. And look at you now, the CEO of a large company with riches and women for days. Your reputation would be ruined if the press found you crawling back to someone like me." You were slightly annoyed. You had set him free and made him promise to lose all contact with you. He seemed fine with it and left without looking back. Now he was back begging for you like old times.

"But I'm suitable for you now! I can take care of you! We can finally be together! Please-"

You cut him off, now looking him in the eyes. "Leo. I don't settle. I have never settled. You should know this. Even when you were with me, you weren't the only one. Even with Felix, the new guy, he's not the only one. I'm just training him. I will never settle for only one. Even if I accepted whatever you are offering right now, you would never be the only one. You have nothing to offer besides you soul to me, you were never anything but a toy."

"But Mistress-"

"I'm no longer your Mistress, Leo. You'd do well to remember that." The constant banging was getting on your nerves now. "Please excuse me. I have to deal with my pup."

A hand wrapped around your wrist to stop you from leaving. "I won't give up, but let me help you now. I can demonstrate how to be a good puppy! After all, you still plan to give him more punishments right?"

You smiled at this. He never forgot your ways. "Of course I am. I suppose you could be of use, don't think I'm falling for your plan though. I simply see the use of you as well. Come on then."

You shoved him on the bed. "Stay, Leo."

The robotic voice of "Access Granted" filled the room as the door of your bathroom slide open.

You really thought you had an animal locked inside because a blur attempted to lung past you. You reached out and grabbed the soggy shirt in your hand to stop the blur. "Felix. Sit."

He sat and then glared at Leo on your bed. He didn't know who he was, but he was pissed. How dare that man sit on your bed! How dare he breathe!

"Who is that?" He spat out, glare still pointed at the handsome auburn male resting on your bed with a smirk.

"That is an old friend of mine. Introduce yourself, love."

"I'm (Name) boyfriend. Leo or you can call me master." The evil smirk on Leo's face made you deadpan.

This little troublemaker.... great now you have two to deal with.