Growing up sickly is really annoying. You get to spend most of your time in the hospital. The white walls, the smell of lodoform and of course IV drops here and there. It brings back a lot of memories. That's why ever since I got out of the hospital I've set up my goal; that's to find that boy. I'll never know when I will be taken back to that prison so, I got to make this worth the shot.
To see him; easy to say but that's actually harder to do especially for a girl who spent most of her life in the hospital not minding what's outside of that prison is.
"So this is what they call school. I've only read this from books; seems interesting." I said to myself as I rubbed my chin while looking at the gate of Itachiyama Academy.
This is my first and might be my last year entering an actual school. I was home schooled since I was young, more like hospital schooled. I'm (y/n) and I'm a third year.
I looked around the school, mesmerized about what I'm seeing. 'I can't believe it. I'm actually attending school' I thought as I skipped along the hallways up to my classroom. The bell rang and we all took a seat. The teacher asked me and the other male student to introduce ourselves. He goes first.
"Good morning everyone. My name is Takeda Osami. You can call me Omi for short." He greeted. My eyes grew wide as I heard the name "Omi".
Flashback (11 years ago)
I was walking down the corridor while pulling my IV drop alongside my nurse when I saw a man dressed as a clown talking to his kid. 'Tch, it's that not so funny clown again' I thought. I walked passed them as I heard their conversation.
"To the room over there" The clown pointed towards the direction to where I'm confined. "There are kids who needs my help. They're sad and lonely, Omi so, we need to make them smile." he continued as I clench my fist.
"But dad—" He was interrupted by his father. Shaking his head indirectly telling him 'No buts'.
Flashback End.
'Could it be Omi!?' I thought as I turned to the boy who's giving his introduction. After the introduction, I sat on my seat but, I can't completely take my eyes off him. I didn't expect that meeting him was easier than I thought. The classes started and my butt's itching to talk to him already. I took some mini glances at him during the lectures and I think he noticed. As soon as the classes ended I ran to his table and said. "Omi-san it's me! (Y/N)!"
He gave me a confused looked. "I'm sorry I don't remember anyone named (y/n)" "I'm that germ!" I shouted pointing to myself happily. He choked himself and was trying to hold back his laughter. "Are you seriously calling yourself a germ right now?"
"You really don't remember?" I asked again.
"More like we haven't met each other like literally." He smirked as he pat my head before heading out.
I sighed. 'Yep this isn't really easy as I thought.' I thought to myself. A girl then tapped my shoulder. "Hey! I'm Liliana. Seems like you we're embarrassed a while ago. Our classmates we're laughing at you."
"Huh?" I asked in confusion. "What's wrong with what I did? I'm just trying to clarify something."
She shook her head. "Clarifying something is normal (y/n)-chan but calling yourself a germ! You really are something."
"Oh that..." I sighed. "I was trying to look for someone I'm indebted with. It's been 11 years and the name Omi just gives me hope that I'll meet him."
"I can help you, besides from the name Omi what else do you remember about him?" she asked attentively listening to what I'm about to say.
"His father used to work as a hospital clown. Well, not really work but, volunteer." I shrugged.
"This is harder than I thought though, I have an idea I'm guessing he's a kid your age." I nodded in response. "Why not I'll go search the whole school for a boy who have 'Omi' as their nickname? And you'll be the one to approach them. If you're lucky maybe he studies here as well."
"That would help me a lot." I cupped her hand as I say thank you over and over again.The next day me and Lilia decided to take our lunch at rooftop and discuss our plan.
"So (y/n) here's the list." She showed me a piece of paper. I looked at the list.
"That's quite a lot, Lilia." I said while munching a toast.
"Well, if you just looked at the names. It's really quite a lot but, if I do this.." She crossed out some names on the list leaving 3. "It's really just a few."
"Why did you crossed out those?" I asked.
"Well if we are really looking for your so called 'INDEBTED FRIEND' and based on your story he's about your age so.." She handed me the piece of paper. " Here, it's the list of guys in Itachiyama that can be the Omi you're looking for."
"How come you're so good at this?" I asked. She seemed like a detective to me.
"Ahh." She scratch the back of her head. "I want to be a police someday. Simple things like this give me interest."
"You know what? I don't want to be your enemy someday." I said. We both laughed. It was my first time to attend school but, I'm really enjoying this.
After I got home, I greeted my mom and dad. "Hey mom! Hey dad! I'm home." They just nodded and watched me as I slumped against the cushion. My dad came and placed his hand on my forehead.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm just tired." I closed my eyes as I rest my rest head onto my father's shoulder.
"Are you still looking for him?" My father suddenly asked. I nodded. My father told me not to look for him anymore because it's pointless but, I really want to do this.
"You insisted going to this school to look for him but, I hope you prioritize your happiness before your wants." He lifted my head on his shoulder and placed a pillow under my head instead. I closed my eyes as I slowly drift to slumber.
The next day I swore to myself that I will find that Omi boy today. I brought that special thing with me.
Lilia's supposed to help me today but, the teacher called her in the office. I started off with the first person on the list. "Hyuga Hiromi, 3rd year class 3-E" I whispered.
"Looking for me?" A guy suddenly spoke behind me. Startled, I ran off. I'm not really used with people around me. I grew up in the hospital so all I know is my nurse and my parents. I never had friends but, I'm trying my best to befriend the people around me.
"Oi! Oi!" He shouted but I continued to run. Thoughts are swarming in my head. 'What if he thinks I'm a stalker' 'Am I that weird' 'Will I be kicked out of the school' those kinds of thoughts. My hastening was put to an end by a crash. I bumped into another person, placing him on top of me.
As his eyes opened from the crash he quickly stood up. "So-sorrry" he said. I was about to say that it's okay but I heard the Hiromi coming my way. I quickly hid behind the guy I crashed into. Hiromi quickly pointed his finger to the man. "Tomomi? What are you doing here?" He tilted his head to see me hiding behind the guy called Tomomi.
'Wait! Tomomi' I thought. 'It's one of the guys in the list. Haruno Tomomi, Class 2-B' I looked at piece of paper crumpled in my first. I was right it was him.
"Oi!" Horomi shouted. I slide myself outside of my hiding and coughed. "Ehem, I'm (y/n) does any of the two of you remember me perhaps?" I looked at both of them.
"Huh? Stop talking crap, stalker. Here.." He handed my bag. I forgot my bag for, I was busy running a while ago. "Take it before I throw it in the trash." I grabbed my bag and turned to Tomomi hoping that he's the Omi I know. He just turned away and started walking the other direction.
"Tomomi" I shouted. He turned his head. "Don't you remember me?" I asked hoping to get the answer that I've been longing for.
" No—" He suddenly grabbed my hand when a girl came running to his direction. "Let me borrow you for a second" he whispered. I nodded.
"B-babe, come on let's date on that tree." He pulled me towards the direction of the tree near the volleyball court. "I won't kiss you but, can you please close your eyes?" I don't know what to do in this kind of situation so I just shut my close and before I knew it, Tomomi's shouting in pain already. I opened my eyes to see a curly black haired guy with two moles parallel to each other. Apparently, he spiked a ball directly at the back of the head of Tomomi. He looked at both of us.
"The polluted air's already disgust me as it is, I didn't know that looking at you two disgusts me even more." The curly guy said.
"SAKUSA KIYOOMI!" Tomomi shouted. 'Sakusa Kiyoomi' I thought. he's the last guy on the list. 'Could he be...?' My eyes grew as I remembered something.
FLASHBACK (11 years ago)
A boy was sitting on a bench outside the hospital; that's my usual spot whenever I want to go out for air. I sat beside him, about one human away from each other not minding what he's doing.
"I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi" He suddenly started talking while facing front. 'Is he talking to me?' I thought. I just shrugged and looked at the sky in awe. " And you are?" He turned his head to me.
"Why do you care?" I said as I give him a pissed look. "You look like a germ." He added.
"What?!" I asked trying to check if I misheard him.
"But, I hate germs..." He smiled as he looks up the sky but, his eyes speaks the other. 'Sakusa Kiyoomi huh? Seems interesting.' I thought to myself.
'Could he be that Sakusa Kiyoomi' I thought to myself. "Just because you're a germophobe doesn't mean you need to hit people with the ball if they disgust you. Hitting people and being a germophobe are two different things! You Jerk!" Tomomi complained as he walked away past us. He tried to shoulder bump Sakusa but he dodge completely.
"Ahh..I really hate germs.." I heard him whisper while he raises his face mask to his face; looking at the beautiful clear sky.
I gave out a grin from my face.I stretched out my arms and pointed my finger to him, causing him to turn to my direction. "I finally found you."