I stretched out my arm and pointed my finger to him, causing him to turn to my direction. "I finally found you."
He raised me a brow and turned his back walking towards the volleyball court. I quickly took my bag and ran after him. "Sa-Ku-Sa" I shouted as I catch my breath trying to ran after him. He didn't even bat an eye so, I threw my bag at him. "I said wait!"
The bag hit his back causing him to turn around. "What the f*ck?" I heard him say. I ran towards him. He gave me a death glare but I didn't mind.
"I'm (y/n)." I said and he just stared at me rasing one brow.
"So? We all have names what makes you special?" He said turning his back on me.
"Don't you remember me? I'm germ!!" I shouted. I heard him gave a soft laugh before he started to bicker. "Everyone's a germ for me. What's your point?" I sighed as I realized that he does not remember me at all. I took my bag and brought out a hospital gown.
"See this stain here?" I pointed the big black stain on the hospital gown. "You did that!" He just stared at me as I continue to speak. " This is the time you brought spray paint in the hospital thinking it's Lysol and you sprayed it all over me calling me a germ and a jerk."
"Okay, nice story. I'll get going now." He turned his back and started to walk towards the volleyball court once again.
I was so pissed I threw the hospital gown to his face. He started shouting as soon as the hospital gown touched his skin. He took the hospital gown clenching his fist around it as he walks towards me and he snapped.
"What the f*ck is your problem?! Do you know how many germs hospital gowns have?!" He threw the hospital gown on the grass causing it to get some soil in it. "Who cares for the stupid Sakusa who thought spray paint was Lysol? It's all in the past." He turned his back and ran towards the bathroom immediately.
"I do.." I whispered as I slowly picked up the hospital gown and tried to wipe the dirt on it. 'It's all in the past huh? Well, I'm still not over it yet.' I thought as tears came running down my face.
I stood up and wiped my tears as I turned to my back I saw Lilia she looked so shocked. I thought she's shocked that I was crying so I said I'm fine and my eye just caught some dirt.
"Sakusa Kiyoomi...is the guy you're looking for?" she asked.
"Yeah, he's the guy." I said with a smile.
"Oh..." I heard her whisper. She looks so down.
Sakusa's P.O.V.
'That stupid germ' I thought as wash my hands so hard with soap and water. I removed my face mask and washed my face. I turned to the mirror. "(y/n), huh? Such a persistent germ." I wiped my face and hands with handkerchief. As soon as I'm done cleaning, I walked straight to the gym for volleyball practice.
"You're looking good today, Omi. Your spikes are unstoppable. Did something happen?" Komori asked. I just stared at him. I'm really pissed today. I feel like my body has been contaminated by an unkillable germ. "Filthy" I whispered.
NOTE: For those who don't read or watch Haikyuu. Komori is Sakusa's Cousin.
After practice I walked with Komori home.
"Is everything alright Sakusa?" Komori asked.
"Yeah." I said, looking up at the clear night sky. There's no clouds and you can see the twinkling stars clearly. 'So pretty.Is he even seeing this right now.' I thought.
"You seemed angry." Komori added.
"A bit. I met this girl today. She's filthy and persistent." I said.
"Oh, this is new. The oh so great germophobe Sakusa talking about a girl." Komori teased.
"Shut up. I said filthy. Learn the difference between a compliment and an insult." Komori laughed. "Uhm, Komori?" I asked.
"Do you know any part time job I could get?" I asked him. I've been thinking about this for a week and I finally said it.
"Oh is there something wrong? Why a part time job all of a sudden?" He asked. I just shrugged. "In your case, it's really hard to to find a job for a germophobe like you. But, there's this job I tried last week it's really popular." He added.
"What is it?" I asked.
"It's rent a boyfriend. It's not really like a boyfriend like you'll date her. You'll just accompany her for a day and you'll tour her around the city that's it."
"Hmm, seems bearable. Teach me how to sign up." I took my phone out and gave it to Komori as he helped me sign up. We parted ways right after then, walked home.
"I'm home." I said right after I opened my door. I tapped my forehead in realization. "Oh right, you're not here."
(Y/N) P.O.V.
"Hey mom! Hey dad! I'm home" I said as I kissed them.
"Hey (y/n) honey, I saw your to bucket list in your room while I was cleaning. Do you want to fulfill some of those?" My mom asked.
"Oh that..." I scratched my head. "I'm sorry if I made you worried about the title." I'm trying to keep that list from my mom. The bucket list is titled 'BEFORE I DIE LIST'. I made that when I was still sick. The doctor said I'm getting better that's why I'm out of the hospital already.
"No honey, I just want to make those come true especially that you're out of the hospital already." My mom added.
"Also, I already booked you for this weekend." My dad said. "There's this popular app that says rent a boyfriend. It'll make you feel like you have a boyfriend while he tours you around the city for a day." My dad added.
"Wait, what?? What's all of this? Why are you booking me for a date." I protested.
"It's not a date. Actually your awesome dad right here made everything safe. HOHOHO" He placed his hands on his waist and raised his head proudly. My mom laughed in the background. "I chose this guy named 'I am the germophobe'. It says in his conditions he won't touch you just tour you in the city. Safe and clear because no one shall dare lay their hand on our precious baby. It's like hitting two birds with one stone honey!"
"Yeah, you wanted a tour around the city and a boyfriend. I approved since it seemed safe." My mom backed up my dad's statement.
I just sighed, I was planning to go to Liliana and ask more about Sakusa but what can I do.
The next day, I've prepared for the tour so I wore a dress and started texting my 'so called boyfriend' for the day.
From: Me
To: I am the Germophobe
Hey! I'm heading out my house. I'm wearing a blue dress and you?
From: I am the Germophobe
I'm wearing black shirt with a jacket also black, black pants, black mask. In short, all black.
'What the heck is wrong with this person? Did he lose someone? What's with the all black outfit' I thought. I put my sandals on and walked to our meeting place. We're suppose to meet Shibuya Station.
NOTE: In our country wearing all black means you lost someone.
When I arrive at the station I was looking for the guy in the text message but I can't seem to find him. My phone rang. I saw a text message from him.
From: I am the germophobe
Where are you? it's been 30 minutes now. You'll pay for compensation at this rate.
From: Me
To: I am the Germophobe
I can't find you. I've been looking around here for a while now.
From: I am the Germophobe
I'll come get you stay where you are.
I was about to describe my surroundings when I bumped into someone familiar. 'Sakusa' I thought. 'What is he doing here?'
"Hey! Watch where you're going—" His eyes grew so did mine. He's wearing the same outfit my so called boyfriend is describing.
"You—" We both pointed at each other in shock. 'No, this can't be! This isn't how I planned us to meet again.' I thought.
"Ugh, are you 'I am the germophobe'?" I asked. His eyes grew again. 'Ugh, I'm right. What do I do? He's not comfortable with me yet. I need to make a good impression to pay the debt' I rant in my head.
"And you're 'Daddy's precious girl'? Pfftt—" He gave a soft laugh.
"You know what, we can just pretend that we didn't see each other and go on our separate ways." I suggested. "Goodbye." I turned my back on him. 'If he ran after me after this I'll die! Kami-sama please make me some sweet scene here like a scene from the romcom books I'm reading' I begged the Gods in my head.
NOTE: Kami-sama means Deity in Japanese and Arigatou means thank you (you'll encounter this word as you read).
"Oi germ!" He threw his mini Lysol at the back of my head. I touched the back of my head and groan. 'Kami-sama! Why did you do this to me! It's a painful scene.' I ranted. "Don't go" He added. I turned to him and picked up the mini Lysol.
"How dare you throw your Lysol at me. Let me remind you I'm your client do you get that?" I placed my right hand on my waist as my left hand handed him the Lysol.
"I need the money so, stay." He said and he stared at my hand that's trying to give back his Lysol. " Don't." He pushed my hand back with a pen. " Keep that. I have dozens at home and your germ's already there."
"Do you really hate germs? Or do you just hate me?" I asked him. 'He plays volleyball so he must have just hate me. The sweat from people sticks to ball after all' I thought.
"Both. Now let's get going, shall we?" He asked. I was about to do just as he says but, I got an idea.
"Ehem, supposedly you're also going to make me feel like I have a boyfriend." I smirked at him. He just showed me a disgusted face so I gave him the money sign. "I'll pay you twice" I mouthed. He rolled his eyes.
"Here" He brings out a long white cloth and threw the other end to me which, I successfully catched. "Tie it on your wrist. I've watched this from a movie. This works. It looks romantic while, we keep the distance between us." He added.
I grinned. 'I thought he'll decline my request. Arigatou Kami-sama' I thought before I tied the other end on my wrist.
I twist and turned but I can't tie the other end properly. Sakusa just watched me as I struggled. "Are you stupid?" He asked.
"No, It's just hard. You clean freak!" I said. I rolled the other end on my palm. "I'll just hold it like this. It'll look like you're my dog though." I giggled. He just rolled his eyes and walked pulling me along.
"It's other way around idiot. I'm going to pull you around. Be ready" He smirked and started walking.
We've been walking for a while now, more like pulling me around. 'Is this really how people tour around the city' I thought.
I nearly tripped on a stone causing Sakusa to turn around. "Stupid and clumsy, okay. What else can you do? Show me more." He teased.
"For your information clean freak, you're 189 cm tall and I'm just 159 cm here. Your legs are longer than mine." I protested.
"Okay. I'll try to slow down but, still try to keep up." He turned and walked slowly.
We arrived at our destination after a few minutes. It's the Hatchiko Statue. There's a lot of people and I can see him struggling not to bump into anyone while walking. He looked so uncomfortable even though his face is hidden inside a mask.
"Hey Sakusa we can—" I said then I was interrupted.
"Watch out!" He tugged the other side of the rope when he saw a ball incoming my way. I was pulled to his chest. My eyes grew.