Weekend will start tomorrow and I'm so excited. We'll be playing Nintendo and watch some movies. I'll make sure to watch his reaction for every movie we'll watch.
Lunch came and I waited for him in the cafeteria. I sat on our usual spot. Later on, Komori sat beside me.
"Where's Saku-chan?" I asked.
"Oh didn't you go to his house today?" He asked. I shook my head as a response. "He's absent. I think he's not feeling well."
"I was late a while ago, that's why I didn't have time to stop by his place." I explained.
"Oh! That's why he told me not to let you come in his place." He said as he started eating his lunch. The whole lunch time I was silent. I don't know, I felt like a piece of me is missing. 'So this is what it's like to miss someone' I thought.
Time went very slow for my gloomy day. I felt so drained and out of focus. All day, I was thinking about him. I never wanted anything so bad that time other than the time to move quickly so that, I could see him.
After the bell rang, I quickly ran towards and the gym and asked for a permission for absence. Coach agreed and I quickly ran towards his house.
"Saku-chan! I'm here open the door!" I said in between pants. A minute passed before he opened the door. There he is standing looking pale while sweat is streaming down his body. He isn't wearing his mask. He's just covered with a blanket. I hugged him before he knew it. He's burning.
"Hey.. Don't. I'm soaking in sweat. You'll caught my germs." He said in a weak tone while trying to push me away from him.
I let him go from my embrace. "Did you eat?" I asked him as I walked towards the kitchen.
"Why are you even here?" He asked as he walked towards the kitchen as well. "Didn't I asked Komori to tell you not to come here?" He added. I didn't even bat an eye on him instead, I checked his fridge for possible ingredient for porridge.
He walked towards me. He pulled my wrist making me face him. He saw tears streaming down my face. "Ah.. Why...?" Those are the words that came straight from his mouth after seeing me crying.
"I don't know." I said as I wiped my tears. "Maybe because I know too well how it feels to be sick. I know it all too well that I feel in pain seeing my love ones sick." I blurted as tears came streaming down my face.
He pulled me closer for a hug. As he pressed my head to his chest making me rest my head on his. "I'm only doing this because I don't like seeing you cry. It's not like I like your germs now or anything." He said as he tried to comfort me, patting my back.
He let me cry on his shoulder for a while until I calmed down. I felt his warmth. It's so calming. "Feel better?" He asked.
"Yeah.. thank you." I pulled away from his chest. I saw a snot on his clothes. 'OMG! He'll kill me!' I thought.
He looked at his shirt and just gave out a sigh. "Hey! I'll clean that up." I suggested. He rolled his eyes.
"Of course you should!" He said as he raise his shirt up to his chest showing a bit of his abs and his v line but giving it a halt as he looked at me.
He raised me a brow. "Like what your seeing?" He teased. "Remove my shirt for me. It's your snot. I don't want to touch this. It's disgusting." He commanded.
I rolled my eyes and do as he asked me to do. I first lifted his shirt towards his shoulder. His body it's so clean. You'll see his formed abs. 'So this is what volleyball did to your body. It's hot.' I thought. Making my face show a creepy smile on it's own accord.
"Stop staring, germ." He commanded. "You know what I'll just take off my shirt myself. Get me a new shirt upstairs instead." He added. I did what he told me.
I walked on my way upstairs. I saw two rooms. I tried to open the door on the left first but it's locked. I opened the door on my right which seemed to be his. I looked around. It's so neat. Everything is organized. I walked towards his desk on the side. A picture caught my attention.
The picture consist of a young woman and a young Sakusa . 'She looks like Sakusa. She must be his mother' I thought. They look so happy together. The young Sakusa in the picture wears a sincere smile. "I wonder when will I be able to you smile like this again." You murmured.
"Hey germ! What's taking you so long?" You heard Sakusa shouted. You came back to your senses and ran to the closet. You didn't even looked at which shirt to get. You just took the shirt nearest to your hand and ran downstairs.
"Sorry, I was lost." I said. He's still on the floor of the kitchen topless. The rays of light reflect his body sweat which make it look like it's shimmering. His body is slender yet buffed.
"Lost? The other room is locked why would you be lost?" He asked as he cough right after. 'He must be cold.' I thought as I ran towards him and handed him the shirt. "Wash this." He commanded as he threw his shirt to my face. It's soaked in sweat but it still smells nice. There's a feint smell of strawberry.
"Put on the shirt, okay? You'll feel worse if you don't. I'll just put this in the washroom okay?" I turned my back on him and making my way to the washroom to wash his shirt. When I came back he's there sleeping on the couch, shivering. He's getting soaked in sweat again.
I placed my hand on top of his forehead to check his temperature. He's burning. I tried waking him up to make him sleep on his own bed. "Hey Saku-chan! Wake up let's go upstairs, okay?" He opened his eyes.
"Oh my favorite germ is here. Hey germ!" He said. 'He must be hallucinating due to high fever.' I thought. I helped him stand up.
"C'mon let's go upstairs okay?" I said as I shouldered him on our way up. He's saying weird stuffs. It's actually funny. I've never seen him like this.
He closed his eyes again and then turned to me before opening his eyes."Hey! Do you know that you're dirty and you're touching me? I'll sue you." He said I just giggled to what he's saying.
"Hey?" He called as we both walked on our way upstairs. "Do you know that I have a germ girlfriend? She's so annoying yet, she seemed like the sun for me. She's too bright. I thought I shouldn't get close to her but, I fell in love with her warmth." He added. I actually felt sad hearing this for some reason.
"Yeah... What else?" I asked him as the gap between us and his room grew near.
"I love her. I don't want to lose her like my mom. You see,my mom told me that love can become a disease and a cure. My mom gave me a disease and you know what?" He asked me.
"What?" I asked back.
"She became the cure..." He said as I lay him down on his bed. I looked at him laying on his bed all sweaty yet, he looked so peaceful.
"You know, I can also be the disease...." I whispered as I covered him with the blanket. I go downstairs and took some cold water and cloth.
I walked back to his room and place the cloth soaked in cold water on his forehead. 'He looks like an angel.' I thought as my put a feint smile on my face.
"I'm sorry for being selfish, Saku-chan..." I whispered as I wipe the his sweat. "I'll go home now, okay? Get well soon." I said. I was about to stand up when I felt his hand on my wrist.
"Don't go... Don't leave me please..." He begged with his weak voice. I don't know but, hearing those words hurts me like hell. I turned to him and he's looking at me. He looks so vulnerable. I just nodded as I took a seat on his bed.
"Hey germ, can I ask you a favor?" He asked as he cupped my hands. "Can you please cuddle me until I sleep? I just feel cold." He begged. 'I can't say 'no' to his guy can't I?' I thought.
"Okay. Wait for me okay? I'll just update my parents okay?" I assured him and he just nodded like the baby that he is.
TO: Mom.
From: (y/n)
Hey mom? I won't come home tonight. I'll use my 2nd... for this okay? Please explain to dad.
As soon as I sent the text I lay beside him. He took my hand and paced it on his head. He's indirectly telling me to caress his hair which I did. He slept on top of my shoulder as he hugged my waist. I can feel his warmth. To be in his embrace is the best place I could ever be.
The next morning, I woke up without him by my side. I ran downstairs immediately and I saw him cooking breakfast. "Hey are you feeling better? Why are you doing those?" I asked.
He looked at me and raised me a brow. "Stop talking and start eating." He took a strawberry and stuff it in my mouth. He then, washed his hands immediately. "Ew, your saliva has germs." He teased.
I munched the strawberry and swallowed fast. "Hey are you really okay now?" I asked worried. I tried to place my palm on top of his forehead but, he took a step back.
"What are you now? A pig? You munched and just swallow it like that?" He teased.
"Stop avoiding the question, Saku-chan!" I shouted.
"Yeah, I'm okay now germ." He assured me. "Tha...nks..." He added as he whispered.
I smiled. I don't want anyone to suffer the same pain I did. Being sick is the worst scenario that could happen to my love ones.
We ate the breakfast he cooked and washed the dishes together.
"Hey did I bothered you too much yesterday?" He asked as he wiped the plates.
"No, you've been sleeping like an angel all night." I giggled.
He just rolled his eyes. "Liar." I just smiled at him.
"Well, let's just say just for a little bit." I gigled.
FLASHBACK (that night)
It's 1 am in the morning and he's still hallucinating due to high fever.
"Get away from me germ! Get away from me!" He shouted pushing me out of his bed.
"I'm (y/n)! You idiot! Go back to sleep!" I commanded. He threw a pillow straight to my face.
"You're not (y/n)! (Y/N) is bright like the sun. You're filthy and disgusting." He shouted. 'Just what am I in his hallucinations anyway?' I thought. I sat near his bed until he calmed down. I didn't even had the energy to go back to his bed. My drowsiness is taking over me.
It's now 2:30 am and he's hallucinating again. "Hey you look just like my girlfriend. Do you have a boyfriend?" He suddenly asked me, while tapping my head causing me to wake up.
"Yeah..." I just answered. I'm really tired. 'So this is Saku-chan when sick huh? Such a pain in the ass but, he's too cute and precious.' I thought.
"What's his name?" He asked.
"Sakusa Kiyoomi." I answered.
"Oh! He has the same name as me. Wanna swap? I'll be your boyfriend since you seemed more clean than my girlfriend." He suggested which made me laugh.
"Yeah, sure. Let's swap." I answered amazed at his hallucinations. He pulled me up to his bed.
"Then, sleep beside me okay? I'll be your boyfriend now. Shower 10 times a day okay?" He demanded but, then fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. 'This is too pure and precious.' I thought.
After that, the night became peaceful. He didn't wake me up after that.
"Forget that memory!" He demanded. "That's not me!"
I just laughed at him. His expression was too priceless.
"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked. He just stared at me for a minute before answering.
"Let's do the last two things on your list." He suggested and I just nodded as a response.
After washing the dishes, he threw a shirt and pants. "What's this for?" I asked
"Shower. You filthy germ." He teased. I just rolled my eyes and glared at him.
I took and shower and wore the clothes he gave. The clothes are too big. I looked like a human hanger. I walked out of the bathroom and glared at him.
"Pft. Human hanger." He laughed. I pouted.
"I'm done. Now, your turn to shower." I said while smirking. 'I bet he looks sexy in a bathrobe. Kami-sama please bless my soul with a Sakusa in a bathrobe.' I begged the Gods.
"You're one nasty germ." He flicked my forehead. "I've been cuddling a germ all night of course I showered first thing in the morning." He answered.
We closed all the curtain in his house and opened the TV. The movie we have chosen is 'Coco'. I've never watched Disney in the hospital before so, this is my first time watching Disney with someone.
We watched the movie with anticipation. Enjoying every scene. I laughed at the dog in the movie named Dante for being cute.
"Hey can we get a dog like that? Let's take care of him!" I asked.
"Ew, no. He looks disgusting. Just take care of a fish or something." He said.
"Hmph!" I pouted.
The ending part is coming and I'm on verge of crying. When Miguel sang ' Remember me ' to mama coco. I cried so hard.
"Idiot. Stop crying." He teased. I looked at him and he's eyes are beginning to water.
"Ha! B*tch you're crying too!" I teased.
"No, I'm not." He said as he rolled his eyes and wipe the tears streaming down his face.
We teased each other for a while. When sundown came, I bid him goodbye.
"Hey, I'll go now okay? Take care of yourself." I said as I waved my hand.
"Wait!" He commanded which made me halt. "Uhm, Can you watch my game next week? I'd like to hear a germ cheer on me."
"Okay! I promise." I said as I put a smile on my face. I walked back home wearing his clothes. I look stupid but, I like it.