Chapter 3

"So I'll see you guys later?" Myra asks as she walks to her bus

"Totally! I'm so excited to see your place!" Lily exclaims

"Remember, we'll bring whatever movies you want and we'll hold a vote." Raven says. She gives Lily a kiss before hopping on the bus. 

"The only thing off limits is Star Wars." Jamal says, looking pointedly at Spencer. 

"Oh come on! They're classics!" Spencer pouts.

"Yeah classically boring." Juan says, high fiving Jamal. The three continue arguing as they walk away. Myra shakes her head before getting on the bus. She makes a mental note to go to the library before everyone  gets there. These five Humans seem harmless, fun even; but that wasn't going to stop her from doing her job.

Myra arrives at the library and checks her phone. She has 3 hours before everyone starts arriving, so she has to make them count. She finds the history section and pulls out an armful of heavy books, and begins to read. She can't believe her eyes. Wars, lies, slavery, protests, riots, discrimination, and hatred. So much hatred. She had only been here for an hour and a half and she had already seen so much evil and wickedness in this world's history. She scanned everything she read and sent a copy to Mission Control. A few moments later, a crackling interrupted her reading. 

"Good work Agent23, this will be useful in our argument that Humans should be wiped out. I need you to get closer though, uncover things that are more recent, we have no idea whether this is still happening." 

"Understood sir." Myra whispers. Her earpiece goes silent. She sighs and closes her book. She still has another hour before she has to be at her apartment so she starts thinking about home. It never really felt much like home, never truly felt like she belonged. She remembers  training, and drills, and how no one ever thought she could be a good spy because not only was she an android, she was a female android. Greyson and her superior officers always laughed and mocked her, and she caught them more than once staring at her like she was just a slab of meat. The only person on the ship she was ever close to was Dr. Torell; or Dad, as she'd gotten used to calling him. Before he was murdered that is. No one knows who killed him or why, and it irked Myra every day. Not like anyone but her cared anyway. There were a dozen scientists lined up to take his job, so nobody even noticed. Ever since then, Myra had felt more alone on that ship than ever before. That was, before she got assigned for this mission. It was her first big mission alone and she was determined to not screw it up. Tovens really wanted the Earthlings gone, but since being here, Myra hasn't found anything major indicating they should have to be killed. Sure there was stuff in the past, and any problems happening now wasn't the fault of everyday people, it was the corporate bigwigs, the businessmen, the people who cared about only one thing; money. 

Myra knew though, if she didn't report what her people wanted to hear, she'd be put back into the sea of the mindless androids and never given a chance to have her own mission again. The other androids on the ship were nice enough, but they didn't have much of a personality, unlike Myra. She'd developed feelings and empathy and cravings for food, acting how a live being would. But that was ridiculous. Whenever she got one of those feelings she'd push it down because she knew she wasn't 'normal.' Dr. Torrel had spent more time with her than any of the other androids, maybe some of his humanity rubbed off on her? She shook her head and looked at her phone again. She had been inside her own head so long it was nearly time for her friends to arrive. She smiled to herself at the word friends, feeling a warmth spread through her. She quickly put the books back and ran outside, seeing a bus about to pull away. She flags it down before it can and manages to get home before the others get there. 

The microwave is seconds from beeping with the popcorn when she hears a knock. She takes one last look around to make sure all of her private possessions are hidden away before she opens the door. 

"Hey girl! We're all here and ready to chill! Well except Spencer, he lost at rock paper scissors so he had to stop on the way over to grab pizza but he'll be here soon." Lily explains excitedly. 

"Oh alright." she steps back so they can come in. "So it's not much, but I like it." Myra laughs. "The living room is right over here." Everyone excitedly throws their bags on the couch. 

"Okay so I brought over The Fault in Our Stars! It's a cute but sad love story and I love it." Lily says. 

Kendall makes an ick face. "Lame. I brought The Nun. It's a horror movie and it's supposed to make you throw up from fear!" They laugh. The others groan and look at each other. Kendall scoffs. "You guys are so boring, I bet Myra would like it, wouldn't you Myra?" They turn to her with a hopeful smile. 

Myra coughs and gives Kendall an apologetic smile. "Sorry Kendall I'm with the others, never been much of a horror movie fan."

Kendall groans. "I have the world's lamest friends!" They face plant onto a pillow dramatically.

Jayden tentatively holds up his pick. "I brought Thor! It's full of action and drama and romance for Lily, and Kendall likes Loki so I think it's perfect for us." 

Everyone looks at each other and nods. "I think we found our movie then." Raven says. "I brought Love Simon but it probably wouldn't interest anyone except me and Lily." Raven laughs.

"What about me? I brought the Karate Kid, and it's clearly so much better than Thor." Juan appeals. It has action and fighting and Jaden Smith kicking ass." 

"As exciting as that all sounds, Thor is a great family movie that has something for everybody." Jayden says. All the sudden he's interrupted as Spencer bursts through the door carrying 3 boxes of pizza. He's red in the face and out of breath. 

"Woah bro, you good?" Jayden asks, standing up to take the boxes from him. 

"So. Many. Stairs." He manages before dropping to the floor to catch his breath.

"You know there's an elevator right?" Raven says. 

'Yeah but it had a Do Not Use sign on it, I think it's under construction or something." Spencer says, sitting up.

Kendall and Juan start snickering and high five each other. "It was fine a minute ago, we used it." Lily says, confused. 

Kendall starts howling with laughter. "You just got PRANKED!" 

Juan composes himself and turns to Spencer. "Before we got on, we put a fake sign up so you'd have to use the stairs." He starts snickering again. 

Spencer groans and chucks a pillow at each of their heads. "You guys suck, I could've DIED!" He turns to Myra. "You see what I have to put up with?" He complains. "Just for that you guys should watch my movie!" He smiles.

"You promised no Star Wars." Raven warned. 

 "Which is why I brought…. Star Trek!"  He smiles triumphantly, as he hears six collective facepalms.