Chapter 4

"Truth or dare?" Jayden asks Lily

"Hmm, dare." Lily decides. 

"Okay, I dare you to hug Myra." He says smiling. 

"Huh? Why?" Myra looks up startled, desperately trying to recall what a hug was and how exactly to give one.

"Because you've looked kinda sad since lunch when we brought up your dad, and what better way to help that then a hug?" Jayden says.

"Yay! Let's do a group hug to officially welcome Myra to the group!" Lily jumps up and bounds over to Myra, wrapping her arms around her. The others quickly follow suit, surrounding Myra. Myra tenses up at first, feeling small and claustrophobic, not knowing why exactly they were attacking her softly and why she felt so safe and loved. 

They stay like that for a few moments before Myra clears her throat, ducking out of the embrace. 

"That, actually did make me feel a bit better. Thanks guys," Myra says, blushing slightly. 

"Hey I hate to break up the love-fest but we have school in the morning and it's already nine." Kendall says, munching on their fourth slice of pizza. 

"True, and if Raven doesn't get at least seven hours of sleep she becomes evil," Lily teases, nudging Raven with her arm. 

"Oh shut up," Raven laughs. "But yeah it's getting late we should head home."

They all gather up their stuff and head out the door. 

"We'll see you tomorrow Myra!" 

They wave and Myra smiles and shuts the door behind them. She walks over to her charging station and plugs in, thinking about the day's events. Myra has been struggling with herself since she's been here and met these Humans. If she's being honest with herself, she felt more at home here on Earth the few weeks she's been here than all the years she spent on the ship. She's been having inner turmoil, debating if she should just take out her earpiece and stomp on it, and then she could stay here with them forever! But she quickly realizes that wouldn't be a good idea. The Tovens would figure out she had broken her transmitter and would come in guns blazing, wiping out all the Humans. And who was she kidding, she couldn't pretend to be a Human for the rest of her life! Her friends would eventually find out, and they'd feel betrayed. Lily especially. She's been so sweet to Myra, what would she think if she found out her new best friend wasn't even the same species?  She would have nowhere to go. If only there was a way to convince Toven that Earth wasn't a threat, but she knew, deep down, the Tovens didn't care. They'd take any excuse to wipe out a planet. They were destroyers, not exterminators like she once thought. She knew it wouldn't work out, but at the same time she just felt so.. Human. Not fully, but she felt so close to these people that she already felt like she was one of them. 

Myra sighed and rested her head against the wall. Suddenly the door swings open. 

"Hey Myra sorry I just forgot my-" Lily looks up and gasps. 

Myra quickly stands up and yanks the wires from her head.  "Hey Lily, what did you forget, I'll help you look for it!" 

Lily stands in the doorway, unmoving.

Authors Note: Kind of a short chapter but I'm having some writers block and I have a bunch of schoolwork, sorry!