Late Night Smack

Su Yang refused to share his leftovers and Su Ping didn't like greasy food anyways as it left him feeling lethargic.

"I want…Mama's congee!" Su Ping followed after her closely on the way to the kitchen.

"Congee? Will that fill you?" Su Ping, recalling how much congee she ate after her pregnancy to save money on meals, felt herself becoming sick. She cooks it for her children's breakfast but she can't eat it anymore. She tried to be polite as she regarded her child who wanted congee for a late-night dinner.

Su Yang alighted onto the kitchen bar stool with a deep scowl. "Why would you choose something that takes so long to cook when Mama has work tomorrow?!" He pretended to be concerned about her sleep schedule but in actuality he couldn't go to sleep unless all his brothers were in the same room.

"Mmmmmm!" Fearing he wouldn't get his porridge because of his words, Su Ping began to stomp his feet, holding onto Ines' pajama bottoms as his eyes misted. He frowned deeply at his elder brother.

Su Yang banged his fist on the table. "Let Go! Don't hold her hostage! Stop being such a baby and come to bed!"

"It's okay. There's still leftovers in the fridge. Su Ping, go pick your side dishes."

Su Yang frowned deeply.

He frowned watching his mother heat the food on the stove discreetly suppressing a yawn. He frowned watching his youngest brother eat in front of him.

Su Ines after studying him for a bit asked to check as she placed a cup of tea before him. "You weren't hungry were you, Yang Yang?" Su Ines tried to pat his head but he ducked from underneath it begrudgingly pushing the cup away with a finger.


Su Ines frowned deeply at the back of his head in turn and seized his head stamping a kiss on his cheek.

"Argh! MAMA! Why?! Eugh!" He alighted off the stool to wash his cheek under the sink.

"Since when did you start scorning me?!"

The immortal scholar opened the bedroom door with a bang, he came out holding his favorite teddy bear with a deep frown.

Once woken up Su Zian couldn't go back to sleep knowing the source was still up and active.

"Men don't get kisses from their moms!"

"What men? Su Ping do you see a man in here?"

Su Ping shook his head.

Su Yang turned around to retort only to flinch at the sight of the eldest.

With his long black hair he refused to cut, he stood frowning at Su Ping, the side view of him in his white pajamas holding his toy reminded him of the horror movie he watched in secret without Su Ines' permission.

He slipped off the stool and fell, staring at Su Zian who turned at the sound.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing that he was unresponsive, Su Ines became fearful and hurried over. "Yangyang baby, what's wrong?"

Yangyang shook his head as he stood. "..." He continued to stand staring at Su Zian who stared back.


"Did you hit something?" Su Ines seized his face and squeezed his cheeks to inspect him.

At first Su Yang felt embarrassed that he got scared of his brother but then after a while he got angry. He pointed at Su Zian.

"How long do you plan on growing your hair?"

Su Zian gave him the side eye. He was used to getting comments on it at school but not from his own brother.

"What's it to you?"

"It's weird."

Su Zian blinked twice. That's what his haters would say.

"What's weird about it?" Su Ines frowned at Su Yang. "Why do you find it weird when it never bothered you before?"

"From the side, he looks like a girl!"

Su Zian pursed his lips.

"Mama, I'm finished." Su Ping wiped his mouth with a napkin and headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Su Ines frowned as she collected the dishes eyeing Su Yang. "What's with you? You're being weird Su Yang."

"It's this family that's not normal." Su Yang muttered. "To begin with we don't even have a Dad."

In the bathroom, Su Ping stopped brushing his teeth, Su Zian blinked twice and looked to Su Ines, Su Ping also came out to peek at his mother who stood still at the sink.

Su Yang approached from behind with his hands on his hips.

"Who says you don't have a Dad?" She asked but couldn't bring herself to see their little faces. "That's impossible, babies can't be born without a Dad."

"Then where is he?" Su Yang asked as he walked back to Su Zian. "It's our birthday how come he never comes?"



Su Zian blinked. In his peripheral vision, something black fell on the floor.

He looked down to see a black worm but he couldn't tell from the dim kitchen lighting.

Snip. Snip.

More fell. That sound. Su Zian froze in shock at the realization.

Su Ines not liking the silence finally turned around to see Su Yang snipping his brother's hair with scissors….she glanced at the cup organizer containing crayons, glue and highlighters.

Her jaw dropped and she felt a chill seize her that delayed her voice from coming out. "Su...Su Yang!"

Su Ping finished brushing his teeth. When he came out the bathroom he exited it in time to get shoved down by Su Yang who ran down the hall, the heavy footsteps of a red-rimmed eyed Su Zian in hot pursuit.

Su Ines hurried after the two, pausing for only a second to pull Su Ping up when the two heard the sound of a loud whack.