Episode Vanessa: 5

In a flattering maid outfit, Vanessa pranced through the halls of an old stone castle. She would dust every crevice she could and twirl around for her dress to swing through the air.

When passing by Hakim, the butler, she ignored him with her eyes closed. When she strolled by Dezzy the photographer, she shot out finger guns. She halted before dancing with Dani the janitor. However, she couldn't help but feel intimidated by how well Dani looked even in her scrubs. Mimi the chef gave her a cool pose which earned a cringey one from Vanessa in return. Nana, being the pet groomer, purred at Vanessa, causing her to meow back.

It was mostly fun and games. Given that this was a closed-world team-based challenge, there was nothing serious for Kiki's squad to do. She went as far as selecting level two theme to compete on, just for the sake of completing the theme.

Trumpets were blown. It meant that everyone was to assemble in the throne room immediately. Only, when Vanessa ran in, nobody was in their normal places. There was a dead body on the small set of stairs to the throne itself. It meant they were late.

"Damn it," Vanessa thought, "That's one prince and now one more is dead," she stood on her toes and saw the king's blood body laid across the stairs, "It's the king. This is bad. We still don't know who hired us. All we know is that the prince was murdered recently and it's possible that the killer is after the entire family. We need to find him quickly. This only leaves the queen and 4 heirs to the throne".

The eldest prince, a bold man with a firm chest, rose his sword into the air and declared that he would lead the guards on an investigation to find the killer. The younger prince, a flamboyant gentleman, argued that it would be better to take a defensive approach to avoid falling into the killer's trap. The oldest princess, who happened to be overly decorated, vouched that they should split the riches and go their separate ways. The youngest princess, the most humbly dressed, announced she would leave the family if they didn't begin taking care of the citizens. Crying on the ground was the queen, who was more than torn by the loss of her youngest child and now her husband.

Kiki, the queen's most recent advisor, shot out her hand and demanded everyone to return to work. Vanessa stepped away, moving with the crowd until Banji grabbed her arm. He wanted to work with her to find the killer. Though Vanessa felt as though he was likely going to hold her back, she remained agreeable and left out with him.

Given his role as the messenger, Benji had to deliver a letter to Hakim. It was complaining about the food he delivered to the elder princess. Apparently, an entire strand of hair was in it.

However, when the two searched the kitchen, only Mimi was found cooking. She hadn't seen Hakim for a while. In fact, she didn't recall seeing him when the king was found murdered. This left Benji disturbed and Vanessa annoyed that she would have to stay on the topic of him any longer.

Benji scratched his lip, "He could be running an errand. But this can mean trouble. If something bad happened to him, then that means somebody is onto us".

"Ah," Vanessa threw her hand up, "Let's forget about I'm and move on. I have dusting to do or else I get penalized".

Benji was concerned, "I get penalized too if I don't deliver this message. And if he's been gone for so long, then that means something bad likely happened to him".

A scream was heard from the dining room. Mimi, Benji, and Vanessa ran out to investigate. It sounded like the eldest princess. And she was the first one they saw when arriving. Impaled on the dining table was Hakim. His body was crackled from the blade in his chest.

"Wow," Mimi batted her eyes, "Somebody actually banned him from the game".

"Reality check," Benji stepped towards him, "How long was the ban for?" after the game informed them it was for a year, Benji nodded, "Yup. It was somebody who works for the stadium".

"Hmm?" Vanessa cocked her head.

"Yup," Mimi rose a brow, "Somebody who works for the stadium came into our game and banned one of us for a year".

Benji shook his head, "But why? You aren't allowed to ban people for no reason".

Vanessa poked at Hakim's head, "They carved a smile into his face. Just like the Jester. He must be the killer".

"No," Benji faced her, "I mean, I don't know anything about the Jester. But we can't assume it's him until we have more evidence. Anybody can carve a smile into someone's face. I can do that easily for a prank. Whoever this is, they had to have access to our squad-only game. That's either us or an employee. They typically do it for promotions or to help in some way".

"Pay attention Vanessa," Mimi nodded, "You need to know this for while you're in the amateur stadium".

Benji spoke again, "Also, normal players can ban each other for up to three months if we have a justifiable means and completed the respective courses. Employees, however, can ban players up to one year with justifiable means and if they complete their respective courses," he pointed at Hakim, "Whoever this is, they're definitely an employee and must have a reason".

"Hmm," Vanessa rocked, "It must be Chad or Iku. Is fine," she shook her head, "I'm not worried about it then because they need a reason to ban people and he needed to go".

"No," Mimi shook her head, "Neither Iku nor Chad ever worked for the stadium. Also, they're both cool with Hakim".

"Okay," Vanessa shrugged, "Then it was the Jester. He's here and works for the stadium. And that's why he can enter private games".

"Actually," Benji stared at her, "Nobody can enter a private game unless they're invited or it's an emergency, such as safety. The director is the only exception".

Vanessa shook her head frantically, "Well it's the Jester," and stormed out.

Mimi stepped away, "I'll let Kiki know what happened. Benji, stay with Vanessa".

Benji chased her down the hallway, "Hey Vanessa, let's go ahead and search for the Jester together. This time, we'll beat him".

Vanessa pointed up, "We need to ban him".

"Mmm," Benji shook his head, "If he works for the stadium, we can't ban him".

Vanessa glanced out the window and saw Watson standing in the garden, "Wait".

Benji tapped her shoulder, "You know him".

Vanessa thought for a moment, "No. But I need to tell him sorry. I guess he's supposed to be here. But I don't know why".

Benji nodded, "Well let's talk to him. I'm right here with you".

As Vanessa stepped down the stairway, she fiddled with her maid dress and hung her head. Benji did his best to find out what was wrong but couldn't get an answer. By the time they reached the garden, he found himself silent and Vanessa distraught.

Vanessa walked across the garden just as slowly and took a deep breath before addressing Watson, "Sorry for making you mad".

Watson shrugged before turning her way, "It's okay," he tapped his own head, "I get frustrated sometimes. And sometimes I get pissed. And that's nobody's fault except mine".

"Vanessa," Benji stepped back, "This guy doesn't seem to right in the head".

Before Vanessa could speak, Watson answered, "That's true. That's what everybody says. I'm wrong. I'm terrible. Crazy. Gay. Week. Everything else in the book," he smiled, "You know what I think Vanessa"?

Vanessa gulped, "What"?

He took a step closer, "You're one hot broad," his face twitched, "Seriously. I love how your hair falls onto your face and the slender look you have. I like em' thicc, but your thin shape is a clear winner. Wanna do me a favor and take my virginity"?

Vanessa blinked and took a step back, "No. I'm sorry about before, but you need help. Maybe meet some new people".

"Oh," his smile broke, "I get it," he shouted, "Hey hoe! Come over here and let me get a piece of that ass!" he punched his own head.

Benji pulled Vanessa's shoulder, "Yeah. You need to stay away from that guy".

Vanessa grined her teeth as she walked towards the castle, "He beat Logan".

Watson continued shouting, "Hey, nice little ass you got. Wouldn't I want a handful of that! I guess that's your trick. Misdirect with personality to give yourself to the one that pisses you off correctly," he laughed, "You might wanna be careful Vanessa! That's how life works. It's nothing but a maze of misdirections. Look to the light and you'll find hell. Go straight to Hell and you'll achieve victory in life," having seen she was ignoring him, Watson shouted in a somewhat normal tone, "He Vanessa! I have a gift for you"!

Vanessa turned to him briefly, "Keep it! I want nothing from you!" she turned back to the castle and took a deep breath upwards. She stopped at the sight of the younger princess hanging from her room window.

"Well, I guess it wasn't that Watson guy," Benji stared at the little girl's body dangle.

"She was the queen's favorite," Vanessa ran inside the castle, "It has to be the Jester. I'm going to tell everyone so that we can capture him and he can leave me alone".

Benji ran behind her, "If you really think it's him, fine. But I haven't seen that Jester guy here all day".

Trumpets were blown for a meeting in the throne room. Vanessa and Benji and Vanessa had burst in declaring the killer to be the Jester. Their evidence was in the styles of the killing. Especially in the case of Hakim where a smile was carved on his face. In addition, he had a history of stalking Vanessa.

The queen denounced their evidence and declared a new king was needed to fix the problem. Her solution led to crowning the younger prince. Though he was hesitant to accept it, he saw no other way to go about the situation. While the older prince was upset, he saw no genuine reason to crown a prince at this time.

"No!" shouted Nana with Mimi at her side, "The firstborn son will take over as king. The real killer is the queen herself".

"She was the only one there when the king died," Mimi followed behind, "She was the last one sing with the first victim".

"Impossible," the older prince yelled, "She would never kill my youngest sister".

"Yes she would," Mimi pointed at him, "It was to erase the evidence from being her".

The younger prince stepped forward, "I believe them. I was the one who hired private investigators to look into this. They have no reason to lie".

With both princes laying their sights on her, the queen stepped back, "Listen, your younger brother deserves to be king and-".

The older prince cut her off, "If that's what you wanted, then fine. But to murder our family over political beliefs is atrocious".

Both princes unsheathed their swords and decapitated the queen.

"Sooo," Vanessa looked at Kiki, "That was it? No Jester"?

Kiki shook her head, "We don't know who banned Hakim. We'll look into it though".

Nana stepped to her, "As far as we know, there was no Jester".

"Jesters are tricky though," Benji nodded, "They rival Logan's job class".

Vanessa scratched her lip, "I guess is fine. But I need to know more about this Watson and this other one, the Jester".

Nana laid her hand on Vanessa's shoulder, "Well, let us know what you want to do and we'll be here for you".

"Yes," Vanessa smiled with her eyes widened, "Tell me everything you can".

Dani approached them, "Or, better yet, what do you know about them".

Vanessa thought for a second, "Not much. Watson beat Logan and he bugs me every month. Then the Jester is scary and shouldn't be here. And now that I remember, there is another one called 'Weasel'".

Kiki nodded, "Next month, we'll find this Watson guy, beat him up, and see what he knows".

Nana rose her chin and smiled, "We'll do it as a squad. He can't beat us all".

Benji stared down, "Sounds like a plan".

Vanessa smiled at them all, "Sounds like a plan".